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How to convert boost::uintmax_t to std::string

boost::filesystem::file_size() returns boost::uintmax_t . So, How to convert boost::uintmax_t to std::string ?

Well, you can use some simple approach like:


Or manually using the stringstream:

static_cast<std::stringstream>(std::stringstream() << size).str()

The operator for numbers is a member, so it should work on temporary even in C++03; some other overloads are free functions and in C++03 those don't accept temporary, but you can use std::stringstream().flush() , which returns lvalue reference and than all operator<< overloads work.

But it's not just plain number. It's file size. So it's quite likely you should be rounding it and handling kB/MB/GB/KiB/MiB/GiB units. In which case have a look at libkibi .

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