cost 164 ms
PHP: make a string clickable

For a Mandarin learning-tool I would like to create links for each chinese "character" within a word. For example I have the chinese word "自行车" (bicyc ...

Replacing ereg_replace()

I have some legacy code I'm trying to update to run on PHP 5.4: I know I have to replace this with preg_replace, but since I've never used ereg, I' ...

Equivalent of ereg() call

My server is running on php 5.3 now and I need to replace this call to ereg: I have tried this, among other things without any success: This res ...

Updating from ereg to preg_match

I read similar titles but I couldn't make it run.. Now, I have a code like this (originally ereg): I also tried using / at the beginning and end o ...

Php ereg validating a form

Im validating a form and its easy to validate numbers, letters a-z and so on but when i got to the point where i need to validate a field which must c ...

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