cost 91 ms
playsms custom gateway bug

Trying to make a new sms gateway for playsms called "aft". Whenever I include the custom gateway files in the gateways folder, no gateway work ...

How do API Gateways work?

How Do API Gateways work? What are the typical components of an API gateway? Are there common standards around how they manage security, call logging ...

2012-07-04 14:51:19   2   41918    api / gateways  
payment success

I'm about to work with a bank to set up a self hosted payment form. Their requirements and documentation makes sense so far. On my end of the databas ...

django payment gateway

I require a simplest payment gateway in which user comes in click on buy button enters his card details and whatever the process includes to generate ...

How to send sms

I want to send an sms to a mobile phone through my C#, C++ code. Can any body help me. I dont want any mobile, or any external device attached to my c ...

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