cost 89 ms
Traceback errors in KiCad

I installed an external plugin in windows machine of kicad 6.0.4 and 6.0.5 versions and used to run perfectly with no errors.But in kicad 6.0.6,it i ...

Kicad6 Plug-in does not appear in menu

I am not able to get an action plug-in to appear in the PCBNEW menu. I have run the following to determine the path: import pcbnew print(pcbnew.PLUGI ...

2022-06-18 17:07:59   1   23    kicad  
Discret:R1 Missing in CvPCB

I am trying to work through the tutorial on KiCad and it seems that the discrete pads are missing. I have already installed in OSX with the extra pack ...

2017-10-30 05:44:02   2   394    kicad  

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