cost 337 ms
MapDB list type?

I am using mapdb 3.0.7 I see various hash map and tree map storage types here. But I have a use case that needs a List<String> to be persiste ...

2018-12-09 21:09:59   2   402    java / mapdb  
MapDB treemap.clear() takes forever

I have treemap in mapdb with 150K entries. Calling treemap.clear() takes minutes. How can I do this quickly? Creating new one with gives crash org ...

2018-10-13 10:59:31   1   45    java / mapdb  
MapD slow on text fields

In benchmarking the following query: Out of ten tests we get: c0 is a text field. Why is this query so slow? And is there a way to fix this or d ...

2017-09-28 22:57:45   1   86    mapdb  

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