cost 335 ms
Dependent signature specialization

Can I specialize a type in a signature using types before that type and in the signature? Here is an example: Can I specialize A by the following? ...

mlton gives library-related error

When I try to compile a program with mlton, I get an error. According to this, that means I should install libgmp3-dev. I've run apt-get install li ...

2015-06-11 15:11:39   1   89    sml / mlton  
How to use smlnj-lib in mlton

I'm compiling an SML source file with reference to IntBinarySet using MLton. The code runs well using SML/NJ, however, when compiled using MLton, it c ...

2013-05-01 05:06:49   1   280    sml / mlton  

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