cost 69 ms
Writing LAS header with PDAL in C++

I am working on an application that writes LAS files from scratch based on lidar data. Previously, the application was built with LibLAS and it worked ...

2021-08-30 15:06:28   1   68    c++ / las / pdal  
build PDAL with LAZperf

I'm building PDAL this way in my Ubuntu 18 : Running PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=*** PGHOST=localhost PGPORT=5432 ctest can confirm all was fine. B ...

PDAL issues with python3.5

I installed PDAL in Conda Python3.5.6. After manually linked many ".so" files I still got err when I wanted to convert LAS to LAZ file. Can someone ...

2019-07-21 11:40:10   1   12    pdal  

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