cost 125 ms
Qt3 vs Qt5 programming syntax

Hi I'm teaching myself Qt based on Qt 5.7.0 (MSVC 2013, 32 bit), Qt Creator 4.1.0 - community edition. I am using an book, "Programming with Qt, 2nd E ...

Delete a line from a file in qt?

How to delete two consecutive line using an iterator?? I am trying to create a form to save user and password using QT3.3. But i also want to modify ...

How to convert QIcon to QPixmap

I have following code and I have to change it with Qt4 code. for replacing Qt3 code with Qt4, I have to replace pixmap() with one of following met ...

2014-11-20 07:56:28   2   12140    c++ / qt / qt4 / qt3  
Install Qt3 on Ubuntu 14

I'm try to use some AAM tools which require the Qt3. I try to run apt-get install libqt3-mt but got the error information below: Package libqt3-mt ...

Porting Qt5 app to Qt4

Yes the title is correct...we are going BACK to qt4. We recently built a decent size app with Qt5. We now been told that the app must support RH 6 and ...

Port Qt3Support to Qt4

I may ask a stupid question: in this article Porting from Qt 4 to Qt 5 the author mentioned "Qt3Support code is a method which has been renamed to som ...

2013-07-10 15:30:35   1   1293    qt / qt4 / qt3  

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