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[英]Finding intersection/difference between python lists

我有两个 python 列表:

a = [('when', 3), ('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('send', 15), ('you', 1)]

b = ['the', 'when', 'send', 'we', 'us']

我需要从 a 中过滤掉与 b 中的元素相似的所有元素。 就像在这种情况下,我应该得到:

c = [('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('you', 1)]



a = [('when', 3), ('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('send', 15), ('you', 1)]
b = ['the', 'when', 'send', 'we', 'us']
filtered = [i for i in a if not i[0] in b]

[('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('you', 1)]


c = [item for item in a if item[0] not in b]


d = dict(a)
c = {key: value for key in d.iteritems() if key not in b}

in很好,但你应该至少对b使用集合。 如果你有 numpy,你当然也可以尝试np.in1d ,但如果它更快与否,你可能应该尝试。

# ruthless copy, but use the set...
b = set(b)
filtered = [i for i in a if not i[0] in b]

# with numpy (note if you create the array like this, you must already put
# the maximum string length, here 10), otherwise, just use an object array.
# its slower (likely not worth it), but safe.
a = np.array(a, dtype=[('key', 's10'), ('val', int)])
b = np.asarray(b)

mask = ~np.in1d(a['key'], b)
filtered = a[mask]


由于这是用numpy标记的,这里是一个使用numpy.in1d以列表理解为基准的 numpy 解决方案:

In [1]: a = [('when', 3), ('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('send', 15), ('you', 1)]

In [2]: b = ['the', 'when', 'send', 'we', 'us']

In [3]: a_ar = np.array(a, dtype=[('string','|S5'), ('number',float)])

In [4]: b_ar = np.array(b)

In [5]: %timeit filtered = [i for i in a if not i[0] in b]
1000000 loops, best of 3: 778 ns per loop

In [6]: %timeit filtered = a_ar[-np.in1d(a_ar['string'], b_ar)]
10000 loops, best of 3: 31.4 us per loop

因此,对于 5 条记录,列表理解速度更快。

然而,对于大型数据集,numpy 解决方案的速度是列表理解的两倍:

In [7]: a = a * 1000

In [8]: a_ar = np.array(a, dtype=[('string','|S5'), ('number',float)])

In [9]: %timeit filtered = [i for i in a if not i[0] in b]
1000 loops, best of 3: 647 us per loop

In [10]: %timeit filtered = a_ar[-np.in1d(a_ar['string'], b_ar)]
1000 loops, best of 3: 302 us per loop

试试这个 :

a = [('when', 3), ('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('send', 15), ('you', 1)]

b = ['the', 'when', 'send', 'we', 'us']


for x in a:
    if x[0] not in b:
print c

演示: http : //ideone.com/zW7mzY


a = [('when', 3), ('why', 4), ('throw', 9), ('send', 15), ('you', 1)]
b = ['the', 'when', 'send', 'we', 'us']
c=[] # a list to store the required tuples 
#compare the first element of each tuple in with an element in b
for i in a:
    if i[0] not in b:


c = filter(lambda (x, y): False if x in b else True, a)


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