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Pandas DataFrame:如何在行和列的范围内本地获得最小值

[英]Pandas DataFrame: How to natively get minimum across range of rows and columns

我有一个类似于此的Pandas DataFrame,但有10,000行和500列。



是否有一些本地的numpy方式快速做到这一点? 我的目标是能够通过说出“3天前15:00到0天前(又名今天)13:30的最小值是什么来获得每行的最小值?”


2011-01-09 2481.22
2011-01-10 2481.22


1. Get the earliest row (only the values after the start time)
2. Get the middle rows 
3. Get the last row (only the values before the end time)
4. Concat (1), (2), and (3)
5. Get the minimum of (4)



import numpy
import pandas
import datetime


random_numbers = (numpy.random.rand(10, 8)*100 + 2000)
columns        = [datetime.time(13,0) , datetime.time(13,30), datetime.time(14,0), datetime.time(14,30) , datetime.time(15,0), datetime.time(15,30) ,datetime.time(16,0), datetime.time(16,30)] 
index          = pandas.date_range('2011/1/1', '2011/1/10')
df             = pandas.DataFrame(data = random_numbers, columns=columns, index = index).astype(int)

print df


“{ “13:00:00”:{ “12938.4亿”:2085, “1293926400000”:2062, “1294012800000”:2035年, “1294099200000”:2086, “1294185600000”:2006年, “12942.72亿”:2097, “1294358400000” :2078, “1294444800000”:2055, “1294531200000”:2023, “1294617600000”:2024}, “十三点30分○○秒”:{ “12938.4亿”:2045, “1293926400000”:2039, “1294012800000”:2035,” 1294099200000 “:2045,” 1294185600000 “:2025年,” 12942.72亿 “:2099,” 1294358400000 “:2028,” 1294444800000 “:2028,” 1294531200000 “:2034,” 1294617600000 “:2010},” 14:00:00" : { “12938.4亿”:2095, “1293926400000”:2006年, “1294012800000”:2001年, “1294099200000”:2032, “1294185600000”:2022, “12942.72亿”:2040年, “1294358400000”:2024, “1294444800000”:2070” 1294531200000 “:2081,” 1294617600000 “:2095},” 14时30分○○秒 “:{” 12938.4亿 “:2057,” 1293926400000 “:2042,” 1294012800000 “:2018,” 1294099200000 “:2023,” 1294185600000" :2025 “12942.72亿”:2016, “1294358400000”:2066, “1294444800000”:2041, “1294531200000”:2098, “1294617600000”:2023}, “15:00:00”:{ “12938.4亿”:2082, “1293926400000” :2025年, “1294012800000”:2040年, “1294099200000”:2061,“129418560 0000 “:2013,” 12942.72亿 “:2063,” 1294358400000 “:2024,” 1294444800000 “:2036,” 1294531200000 “:2096,” 1294617600000 “:2068},” 15时30分零零秒 “:{” 12938.4亿“ :2090 “1293926400000”:2084, “1294012800000”:2092, “1294099200000”:2003年, “1294185600000”:2001年, “12942.72亿”:2049, “1294358400000”:2066, “1294444800000”:2082, “1294531200000”:2090” 1294617600000 “:2005},” 16:00:00 “:{” 12938.4亿 “:2081,” 1293926400000 “:2003年,” 1294012800000 “:2009年,” 1294099200000 “:2001年,” 1294185600000 “:2011年,” 12942.72亿“ :2098 “1294358400000”:2051, “1294444800000”:2092, “1294531200000”:2029, “1294617600000”:2073}, “16点三十分00秒”:{ “12938.4亿”:2015, “1293926400000”:2095, “1294012800000” :2094, “1294099200000”:2042, “1294185600000”:2061, “12942.72亿”:2006年, “1294358400000”:2042, “1294444800000”:2004年, “1294531200000”:2099, “1294617600000”:2088}}”

您可以先堆叠DataFrame以创建一个系列,然后根据需要对其进行索引切片并获取最小值。 例如:

first, last = ('2011-01-07', datetime.time(15)), ('2011-01-10', datetime.time(13, 30))
df.stack().loc[first: last].min()

的结果df.stack是一个Series具有MultiIndex ,其中内水平是由原始列。 然后,我们使用tupletuple开始和结束日期和时间。 如果您要进行大量此类操作,则应考虑将df.stack()分配给某个变量。 然后,您可以考虑将索引更改为正确的DatetimeIndex 然后,您可以根据需要使用时间序列和网格格式。

它不太通用,因为它适用于minmax但不是,例如, mean 它得到了min的第一行和最后一行的子集和的min行之间(如果有的话),并采取min这三个候选人。

first_row = df.index.get_loc(first[0])
last_row = df.index.get_loc(last[0])
if first_row == last_row:
    result = df.loc[first[0], first[1]: last[1]].min()
elif first_row < last_row:
    first_row_min = df.loc[first[0], first[1]:].min()
    last_row_min = df.loc[last[0], :last[1]].min()
    middle_min = df.iloc[first_row + 1:last_row].min().min()
    result = min(first_row_min, last_row_min, middle_min)
    raise ValueError('first row must be <= last row')

请注意,如果first_row + 1 == last_rowmiddle_minnan但只要middle_minmin的调用中不是第一个,结果仍然是正确的。


|            | 13:00:00 | 13:30:00 | 14:00:00 | 14:30:00 | 15:00:00 | 15:30:00 | 16:00:00 | 16:30:00 | 
| 2011-01-01 | 2054     | 2071     | 2060     | 2054     | 2042     | 2064     | 2043     | 2089     | 
| 2011-01-02 | 2096     | 2038     | 2079     | 2052     | 2056     | 2092     | 2007     | 2008     | 
| 2011-01-03 | 2002     | 2083     | 2077     | 2087     | 2097     | 2079     | 2046     | 2078     | 
| 2011-01-04 | 2011     | 2063     | 2014     | 2094     | 2052     | 2041     | 2026     | 2077     | 
| 2011-01-05 | 2045     | 2056     | 2001     | 2061     | 2061     | 2061     | 2094     | 2068     | 
| 2011-01-06 | 2035     | 2043     | 2069     | 2006     | 2066     | 2067     | 2021     | 2012     | 
| 2011-01-07 | 2031     | 2036     | 2057     | 2043     | 2098     | 2010     | 2020     | 2016     | 
| 2011-01-08 | 2065     | 2025     | 2046     | 2024     | 2015     | 2011     | 2065     | 2013     | 
| 2011-01-09 | 2019     | 2036     | 2082     | 2009     | 2083     | 2009     | 2097     | 2046     | 
| 2011-01-10 | 2097     | 2060     | 2073     | 2003     | 2028     | 2012     | 2029     | 2011     | 

假设我们想要找到每行的 (2,b)到(6,d)的最小值。


df.loc["2011-01-07", :datetime.time(15, 0)] = np.inf
df.loc["2011-01-10", datetime.time(13, 30):] = np.inf


|            | 13:00:00 | 13:30:00 | 14:00:00 | 14:30:00 | 15:00:00 | 15:30:00 | 16:00:00 | 16:30:00 | 
| 2011-01-01 | 2054.0   | 2071.0   | 2060.0   | 2054.0   | 2042.0   | 2064.0   | 2043.0   | 2089.0   | 
| 2011-01-02 | 2096.0   | 2038.0   | 2079.0   | 2052.0   | 2056.0   | 2092.0   | 2007.0   | 2008.0   | 
| 2011-01-03 | 2002.0   | 2083.0   | 2077.0   | 2087.0   | 2097.0   | 2079.0   | 2046.0   | 2078.0   | 
| 2011-01-04 | 2011.0   | 2063.0   | 2014.0   | 2094.0   | 2052.0   | 2041.0   | 2026.0   | 2077.0   | 
| 2011-01-05 | 2045.0   | 2056.0   | 2001.0   | 2061.0   | 2061.0   | 2061.0   | 2094.0   | 2068.0   | 
| 2011-01-06 | 2035.0   | 2043.0   | 2069.0   | 2006.0   | 2066.0   | 2067.0   | 2021.0   | 2012.0   | 
| 2011-01-07 | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | 2010.0   | 2020.0   | 2016.0   | 
| 2011-01-08 | 2065.0   | 2025.0   | 2046.0   | 2024.0   | 2015.0   | 2011.0   | 2065.0   | 2013.0   | 
| 2011-01-09 | 2019.0   | 2036.0   | 2082.0   | 2009.0   | 2083.0   | 2009.0   | 2097.0   | 2046.0   | 
| 2011-01-10 | 2097.0   | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | inf      | 


df.loc["2011-01-07": "2011-01-10", :].idxmin(axis=1)

2011-01-07    15:30:00
2011-01-08    15:30:00
2011-01-09    14:30:00
2011-01-10    13:00:00
Freq: D, dtype: object


In [11]: df.shift(1)
            13:00:00  13:30:00  14:00:00  14:30:00  15:00:00  15:30:00  16:00:00  16:30:00
2011-01-01       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2011-01-02      2054      2071      2060      2054      2042      2064      2043      2089
2011-01-03      2096      2038      2079      2052      2056      2092      2007      2008
2011-01-04      2002      2083      2077      2087      2097      2079      2046      2078
2011-01-05      2011      2063      2014      2094      2052      2041      2026      2077
2011-01-06      2045      2056      2001      2061      2061      2061      2094      2068
2011-01-07      2035      2043      2069      2006      2066      2067      2021      2012
2011-01-08      2031      2036      2057      2043      2098      2010      2020      2016
2011-01-09      2065      2025      2046      2024      2015      2011      2065      2013
2011-01-10      2019      2036      2082      2009      2083      2009      2097      2046

In [12]: df.shift(2).iloc[:, 4:]
            15:00:00  15:30:00  16:00:00  16:30:00
2011-01-01       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2011-01-02       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2011-01-03      2042      2064      2043      2089
2011-01-04      2056      2092      2007      2008
2011-01-05      2097      2079      2046      2078
2011-01-06      2052      2041      2026      2077
2011-01-07      2061      2061      2094      2068
2011-01-08      2066      2067      2021      2012
2011-01-09      2098      2010      2020      2016
2011-01-10      2015      2011      2065      2013

In [13]: pd.concat([df.iloc[:, :1], df.shift(1), df.shift(2).iloc[:, 4:]], axis=1)
            13:00:00  13:00:00  13:30:00  14:00:00  14:30:00  15:00:00  15:30:00  16:00:00  16:30:00  15:00:00  15:30:00  16:00:00  16:30:00
2011-01-01      2054       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2011-01-02      2096      2054      2071      2060      2054      2042      2064      2043      2089       NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN
2011-01-03      2002      2096      2038      2079      2052      2056      2092      2007      2008      2042      2064      2043      2089
2011-01-04      2011      2002      2083      2077      2087      2097      2079      2046      2078      2056      2092      2007      2008
2011-01-05      2045      2011      2063      2014      2094      2052      2041      2026      2077      2097      2079      2046      2078
2011-01-06      2035      2045      2056      2001      2061      2061      2061      2094      2068      2052      2041      2026      2077
2011-01-07      2031      2035      2043      2069      2006      2066      2067      2021      2012      2061      2061      2094      2068
2011-01-08      2065      2031      2036      2057      2043      2098      2010      2020      2016      2066      2067      2021      2012
2011-01-09      2019      2065      2025      2046      2024      2015      2011      2065      2013      2098      2010      2020      2016
2011-01-10      2097      2019      2036      2082      2009      2083      2009      2097      2046      2015      2011      2065      2013


In [14]: pd.concat([df.iloc[:, :1], df.shift(1), df.shift(2).iloc[:, 4:]], axis=1).min(1)
2011-01-01    2054
2011-01-02    2042
2011-01-03    2002
2011-01-04    2002
2011-01-05    2011
2011-01-06    2001
2011-01-07    2006
2011-01-08    2010
2011-01-09    2010
2011-01-10    2009
Freq: D, dtype: float64


In [21]: pd.concat([df.iloc[:, :1].min(1),
                    df.shift(2).iloc[:, 4:].min(1)],
2011-01-01    2054
2011-01-02    2042
2011-01-03    2002
2011-01-04    2002
2011-01-05    2011
2011-01-06    2001
2011-01-07    2006
2011-01-08    2010
2011-01-09    2010
2011-01-10    2009
Freq: D, dtype: float64


我使用pandas的stack()方法和timeseries对象来构建样本数据的结果。 这种方法通过一些调整可以很好地推广到任意时间范围,并使用内置功能的pandas来构建结果。

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
# import df from json
df = pd.read_json('''{"13:00:00":     {"1293840000000":2085,"1293926400000":2062,"1294012800000":2035,"1294099200000":2086,"1294185600000":2006,"1294272000000":2097,"1294358400000":2078,"1294444800000":2055,"1294531200000":2023,"1294617600000":2024},
# stack the data 
stacked = df.stack()
# merge the multindex into a single idx. 
idx_list = stacked.index.tolist()
idx = []
for item in idx_list:
    day = item[0]
    time = item[1]
    idx += [dt.datetime(day.year, day.month, day.day, time.hour, time.minute)]
# make a time series to simplify slicing
timeseries = pd.TimeSeries(stacked.values, index=idx)
# get the results for each date

for i in range(2, len(date_idx)):
    # get the min values for each day in the sample data. 
    start_time='%s 15:00:00'%date_idx[i-2]
    end_time = '%s 13:30:00'%date_idx[i]
    slice_idx =timeseries.index>=start_time 
    slice_idx *= timeseries.index<=end_time
    print "%s %s"%(date_idx[i].date(), timeseries[slice_idx].min())


2011-01-03 2003
2011-01-04 2001
2011-01-05 2001
2011-01-06 2001
2011-01-07 2001
2011-01-08 2006
2011-01-09 2004
2011-01-10 2004


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