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[英]Problems with movement GameMaker studio 2


我唯一的问题是当我停止行走时动画继续运行。 换句话说,它静止不动,但仍然行走。


//     MOVING      //

if(keyboard_check(vk_left)){                // moving left collisions
    dir=-1;                                 // set the correct direction
    image_xscale = dir;                     // make the sprite face the correct direction
                    // if we are not jumping or falling

    sprite_index = spr_denpman_Loop;                // set the sprite to walking

    x=x-xspeed                              // move the player left
    c2 = -1;
    c3 = -1;
    // check the points at the bottom of the sprite
    c1 = tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x-(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2),y-1);               // left
    c3 = tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x,y-1);                                                  // center
    if( y&$3f>0 ) c2=tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x-(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2),y+1);   // left below (only check if there is a tile below)
    if(c1 == 3) || (c2 == 3){                                                                   // if we are intersecting with a box
        x = real(x&$ffffffc0)+(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2);                               // stop the player from moving

    if(x < 0){                              // the the player has moved off the edge of the screen
        x = room_width;                     // wrap around to the other side of the screen
}else if(keyboard_check(vk_right)){         // moving right collisions (check with else so that both directions cant be triggered at the same time)
    dir=1;                                  // set the correct direction
    image_xscale = dir;                     // make the sprte face the correct direction 
                    // if we are not jumping or falling
    sprite_index = spr_denpman_Loop;                // set the sprite to walking
    image_speed = anim_speed;   
    x=x+xspeed;                             // move the player right
    c2 = -1;
    c3 = -1;
    // check the points at the bottom of the sprite
    c1 = tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x+(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2),y-1);               // right
    c3 = tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x,y-1);                                                  // center
    if( y&$3f>0 ) c2=tilemap_get_at_pixel(obj_Spel.map,x+(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2),y+1);   // right below (only check if there is a tile below)
    if(c1 == 3) || (c2 == 3){                                                                   // if we are intersecting with a box
            x = real(x&$ffffffc0)+obj_Spel.tilesize-(sprite_get_width(sprite_index)/2);         // stop the player from moving

    if(x > room_width){                     // the the player has moved off the edge of the screen
        x = 0;                              // wrap around to the other side of the screen




    sprite_index = spr_denpman_Loop;  //stops the player if there's no key pressed.


在旁注中,请查看您自己的代码并了解您正在阅读的内容。 我知道您正在使用的演示,并且仅说明了程序的基本知识,我不建议您将其用作游戏的基础。 由于可以简化很多代码。


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