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在x / y坐标可互换的二维矩阵中存储数据

[英]Storing data in a 2d matrix with interchangeable x/y coordinates

我有一个C ++中的节点列表,我希望以某种数据结构dist存储每对节点之间的距离


我想存储它们之间的距离。 我可以将它们存储在2D矩阵中,但是随后我存储了冗余数据。



我考虑了带有映射功能的一维数组,该函数将[x] [y]坐标映射到数组索引,但是在重新访问代码时可能难以阅读和理解。

在C ++中,像这样在任意排序的索引之间存储某些值的好方法是什么?

正确的抽象是一个class ,它为您包装了数据访问权限。

#include <algorithm>
#include <array>

template <typename TNumber, std::size_t Dimension>
class triangular_matrix
    // It's common/friendly to make a value_type for containers
    using value_type = TNumber;

    // Overloading operator() is fairly common and looks pretty decent
    value_type operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col) const
        return _data.at(index_of(row, col));

    // A non-const overload allows users to edit using regular assignment (=)
    value_type& operator()(std::size_t row, std::size_t col)
        return _data.at(index_of(row, col));

    // You're storing 1 less than the dimensions
    static constexpr stored_dim = Dimension - 1;

    // Use sum of arithmetic series:
    static constexpr data_size = stored_dim / 2U;

    static std::size_t index_of(std::size_t row, std::size_t col)
        // I'm not sure what you want to do for this case -- you said these
        // indexes aren't needed, but I don't know if you mean they won't be
        // accessed or what...so just throw!
        if (row == col)
            throw std::invalid_argument("row and column can't be the same!");

        // flip
        if (row > col)
            std::swap(row, col);

        // This is probably not the fastest way to do this...
        std::size_t index = 0U;
        for (; row > 0U; --row)
            index += row;
        return index + col;

    // Store using a flat array
    std::array<TNumber, data_size> _data;


triangular_matrix<double, 4> m;
m(1, 3) = 5.2;
m(2, 1) = 9.1;
assert(m(2, 1) == m(1, 2));


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