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[英]How to generate new column with values based on condition in another column in pandas



        Tel    MC             WT

        AAA    Rubber         9999
        BBB    Tree           0
        CCC    Rub            12
        AAA    Other          20
        BBB    Same           999
        DDD    Other-Same     70 


          df.loc[(df[WT] == 0 | df[WT] == 999 | df[WT] == 9999 | df[WT] == 99999),'Comment'] = 'Fail'


         AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'loc'


       Tel    MC             WT      Comment
       AAA    Rubber         9999    Fail
       BBB    Tree           0       Fail
       CCC    Rub            12
       AAA    Other          20
       BBB    Same           999     Fail
       DDD    Other-Same     70


df.loc[df['WT'].isin([0, 999,9999,99999]),'Comment'] = 'Fail'
print (df)
   Tel          MC    WT Comment
0  AAA      Rubber  9999    Fail
1  BBB        Tree     0    Fail
2  CCC         Rub    12     NaN
3  AAA       Other    20     NaN
4  BBB        Same   999    Fail
5  DDD  Other-Same    70     NaN


df['Comment'] = np.where(df['WT'].isin([0, 999,9999,99999]), 'Fail', '')
print (df)
   Tel          MC    WT Comment
0  AAA      Rubber  9999    Fail
1  BBB        Tree     0    Fail
2  CCC         Rub    12        
3  AAA       Other    20        
4  BBB        Same   999    Fail
5  DDD  Other-Same    70        


df.loc[df.WT.isin([0,99,999,9999]), 'Comment'] = 'Fail'
df.Comment.fillna(' ', inplace=True)

  Tel          MC    WT Comment
0  AAA      Rubber  9999    Fail
1  BBB        Tree     0    Fail
2  CCC         Rub    12        
3  AAA       Other    20        
4  BBB        Same   999    Fail
5  DDD  Other-Same    70        


import numpy as np

df['comment'] = np.where(np.in1d(df.WT.values, [0,99,999,9999]), 'Fail', '')

使用list comprehension

df['Comment'] = ['Fail' if x in [0, 999, 9999, 99999] else '' for x in df['WT']]

   Tel          MC    WT Comment
0  AAA      Rubber  9999    Fail
1  BBB        Tree     0    Fail
2  CCC         Rub    12        
3  AAA       Other    20        
4  BBB        Same   999    Fail
5  DDD  Other-Same    70        


dfbig = pd.concat([df]*1000000, ignore_index=True)

(6000000, 3)
  1. list comprehension
dfbig['Comment'] = ['Fail' if x in [0, 999, 9999, 99999] else '' for x in dfbig['WT']]

1.15 s ± 18.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  1. loc + isin + fillna
dfbig.loc[dfbig['WT'].isin([0, 999,9999,99999]),'Comment'] = 'Fail'
dfbig.Comment.fillna(' ', inplace=True)

431 ms ± 11.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  1. np.where
dfbig['Comment'] = np.where(dfbig['WT'].isin([0, 999,9999,99999]), 'Fail', '')

531 ms ± 6.98 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  1. apply
dfbig['Comment'] = dfbig['WT'].apply(lambda x: 'Fail' if x in [0, 999, 9999, 99999] else ' ')

1.03 s ± 45.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
  1. np.where + np.in1d
dfbig['comment'] = np.where(np.in1d(dfbig.WT, [0,99,999,9999]), 'Fail', '')

538 ms ± 6.46 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


df['Comment'] = df['WT'].apply(lambda x: 'Fail' if x in [0, 999, 9999, 99999] else ' ')


  Tel          MC    WT Comment
0  AAA      Rubber  9999    Fail
1  BBB        Tree     0    Fail
2  CCC         Rub    12        
3  AAA       Other    20        
4  BBB        Same   999    Fail
5  DDD  Other-Same    70        


df["Comment"] = np.where((df["WT"] == 0) | (df["WT"] == 999) | (df["WT"] == 9999) | (df["WT"] == 99999), "Fail", "")

np.where()遍历给定数组/数据帧列的条目/行。 有关更多信息,请参阅nump.where的文档



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