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从 ansible 创建 VM 时遇到一些问题

[英]I am having some issue while creating VM from ansible

我正在使用 Ansible 版本 2。 2.9.9 和 Python 版本 3.6.9; 而且我也安装了请求模块,但是每次运行我的代码时,都会出现 Mo 模块名称请求的错误,我也将 ansible_pythin_interpreter 更改为 python 3 但它并没有帮助我。 请通过我的代码 go 并在这里帮助我。

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/ansible_vmware_guest_payload_evshxlga/ansible_vmware_guest_payload.zip/ansible/module_utils/vmware.py", line 24, in <module>
    import requests
ImportError: No module named 'requests'

    "msg": "Failed to import the required Python library (requests) on Python /user/bin/python. Please read the module documentation and install it in the appropriate location. If the required library is installed, but Ansible is using the wrong Python interpreter, please consult the documentation on ansible_python_interpreter"


- hosts: vm
 # tasks:
#connection: local
  #gather_facts: no
   - name: myuser
     prompt: Enter the UserName
     private: no
   - name: mypass
     prompt: Enter the Password
   - name: vc_name
     prompt: Enter the vCenter/ESXi HostName
     private: no
   - name: guest_name
     prompt: Enter the Guest VM Name
     private: no
   - name: hdd
     prompt: Enter the HardDrive Space you want to use
     private: no   
   - name: ram
     prompt: Enter the RAM in MB
     private: no
   - name: cpu
     prompt: Enter the number of processor you want to use
     private: no
   - name: ip_addr
     prompt: Enter the Ip address you want to specify
     private: no
   - name: os_system
     private: no
     prompt: |
      Which os do you want to use?
      1- Windows Server 
      2- CentOS_7
      3- CentOs_8
      4- Ubuntu
      5- Others
      set_fact: os_system == "Win server 2012.iso"
      when: (os_system == "1")
      set_fact: os_system == "CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1804.iso"
      when: (os_systen == "2")
      set_fact: os_system == "CentOS-8-x86_64-1905-dvd1.iso"
      when: (os_system == "3")
      set_fact : os_system == "ubuntu-16.04.6-server-amd64.iso"
      when: (os_system == "4")

  remote_user: root

#  - name: Create a VM
     delegate_to: localhost

  - vmware_guest:
     hostname: "{{ vc_name }}"
     username: "{{ myuser }}"
     password: "{{ mypass }}"
     validate_certs: no
     folder: /DC1/vm/
     name: "{{guest_name}}"
     state: poweredon
     guest_id: "{{guest_name}}"
    # This is hostname of particular ESXi server on which user wants VM to be deployed
     esxi_hostname: "{{ vc_name }}"
     - size_gb: "{{hdd}}"
       type: thin
       datastore: datastore1
       memory_mb: "{{ram}}"
       num_cpus: "{{cpu}}"
       scsi: paravirtual
     - name: VM Network
      # mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14
       ip: "{{ip_addr}}"
       device_type: vmnic0
     wait_for_ip_address: yes
      type: iso
      iso_path: "vmfs/volumes/datastore1/Iso/{{os_system}}"  

您必须安装请求库。 您只需在 CMD 或终端中输入此命令即可安装它。

pip install requests

它将修复ImportError: No module named 'requests'

这个问题已经解决,我在我的剧本中添加了 delegate_to: localhost 并解决了 Import Error: Request Module failed 的问题


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