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如何在 TensorFlow 层(GRU)中添加打印 OP?

[英]How to add print OP in TensorFlow layer(GRU)?

我在GRU源代码中添加了print OP,想调试GRU的输入,也想用GRU内部的一些操作来调试,但是这个打印什么都没有。 剂量 tf.print 在 GRU 的源代码中不起作用。 我希望有人能给我一些建议。 非常感谢!

  def call(self, inputs, state):
    """Gated recurrent unit (GRU) with nunits cells."""

    import tensorflow as tf
    print_GRU =  tf.print(inputs) #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   add print OP HERE
    with tf.control_dependencies([print_GRU]):
        gate_inputs = math_ops.matmul(
            array_ops.concat([inputs, state], 1), self._gate_kernel)

    # gate_inputs = math_ops.matmul(
    #     array_ops.concat([inputs, state], 1), self._gate_kernel)
    gate_inputs = nn_ops.bias_add(gate_inputs, self._gate_bias)

    value = math_ops.sigmoid(gate_inputs)
    r, u = array_ops.split(value=value, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1)

    r_state = r * state

    candidate = math_ops.matmul(
        array_ops.concat([inputs, r_state], 1), self._candidate_kernel)
    candidate = nn_ops.bias_add(candidate, self._candidate_bias)

    c = self._activation(candidate)
    new_h = u * state + (1 - u) * c
    return new_h, new_h


tf.py_function(func=tf.print, inp=[inputs], Tout=[])


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