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当pandas Dataframe中的列值发生变化时,如何根据两个阈值放置两个不同的标志

[英]How to put two different flags based on two thresholds when column value changes in a pandas Dataframe

我有一个数据框,比如说df (最后两列我认为是datetime64[ns]而不是str ),

data = [['abc', 'abc1', '1_1',    '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc1',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc2',  '1_1',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001'],
 ['abc',  'abc2',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '1_1',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '2_1',  '2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001', '2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '2_2',  '2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001', '2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999']]
 df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['vehicle', 'order', 'work', 'Start', 'Finish'])

我想找到两件作品之间的时间。 例如,我想计算工作1_1 (vehicle: abc and order: abc1)的完成时间1_1 (vehicle: abc and order: abc1)和工作1_2开始时间之间的时间。 我正在为每个不同的order计算它。

  vehicle  order    work             Start                           Finish
0     abc  abc1     1_1        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000
1     abc  abc1     1_2        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000
2     abc  abc2     1_1        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001
3     abc  abc2     1_2        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001
4     abc  abc3     1_1        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000
5     abc  abc3     1_2        2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999     2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000
6     abc  abc3     2_1        2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001     2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999
7     abc  abc3     2_2        2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001     2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999


po_unique = df['order'].unique()
appended_data = []
for pos in po_unique:
    x1 = df.copy()
    x1 = x1.loc[x1['order'] == pos, :]
    x1.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
    aList = []
    for i in range(len(x1) - 1):
        t = (x1.Start[i + 1] - x1.Finish[i])/ dt.timedelta(hours=24)
    aList.insert(0, 0)
    x2 = x1.copy()
    x2['flag'] = aList
appended_data = pd.concat(appended_data)

我想收到一些关于代码的意见。 有没有其他方法可以做到这一点? appended_data[['order', 'work', 'flag']]看起来像

  order work      flag
0  abc1  1_1     0.000000
1  abc1  1_2     -1.166666
0  abc2  1_1     0.000000
1  abc2  1_2     -0.624999
0  abc3  1_1      0.000000
1  abc3  1_2     -2.020833
2  abc3  2_1      1.000000
3  abc3  2_2     -0.052082

现在我想创建另一列flag1 ,如果标志列的值大于某个阈值,那么它将在此列中放置“F”。 我也可以通过使用.apply()函数来做到这一点

thresold = 0.9
appended_data['flag1'] = appended_data.apply(lambda row: 'F' if row['flag'] > thresold else ' ', axis = 1)

但是,如果我想为两个不同的阈值设置标志,一个用于“内部”,例如1_1 to 1_2 ,另一个用于“外部”(当前缀更改时),例如1_2 to 2_1 ,那么该怎么做。 threshold_sameprefix = -1.0 threshold_diffprefix = 0.8


    vehicle order  work      flag     flag1
     abc     abc1  1_1     0.000000      
     abc     abc1  1_2     -1.166666      
     abc     abc2  1_1     0.000000      
     abc     abc2  1_2     -0.624999     F1 
     abc     abc3  1_1     0.000000      
     abc     abc3  1_2     -2.020833      
     abc     abc3  2_1     1.000000      F2
     abc     abc3  2_2     -0.052082     F1 

请不要采取最低门槛并应用我所做的逻辑。 我想创建一个逻辑,我想以迭代方式分配标志,以便我可以自定义它。


1) 将work ID 分成两部分: work_prefixwork_suffix

df[['work_prefix', 'work_suffix']] = df['work'].str.split('_', expand=True)

2) 然后,定义一组与条件对应的布尔掩码。 这些布尔掩码是使用.groupby()考虑相同order组边界设置的:

threshold_sameprefix = -1.0       # given threshold value
threshold_diffprefix = 0.8        # given threshold value

w_ne = df['work'] != df.groupby('order')['work'].shift()          # work id changed
wp_eq = df['work_prefix'] == df.groupby('order')['work_prefix'].shift()   # same work prefix
wp_ne = df['work_prefix'] != df.groupby('order')['work_prefix'].shift()   # different work prefix

m1 = w_ne & wp_eq & (df['flag'] > threshold_sameprefix)       # condition for 'F1'
m2 = w_ne & wp_ne & (df['flag'] > threshold_diffprefix)       # condition for 'F2'

3) 最后,使用.loc和布尔掩码来设置flag1的值为F1F2 ,如下所示:

df['flag1'] = ' '               # init flag1 to blank
df.loc[m1, 'flag1'] = 'F1'
df.loc[m2, 'flag1'] = 'F2'


  vehicle order work      flag
0     abc  abc1  1_1  0.000000
1     abc  abc1  1_2 -1.166666
2     abc  abc2  1_1  0.000000
3     abc  abc2  1_2 -0.624999
4     abc  abc3  1_1  0.000000
5     abc  abc3  1_2 -2.020833
6     abc  abc3  2_1  1.000000
7     abc  abc3  2_2 -0.052082


  vehicle order work      flag work_prefix work_suffix flag1
0     abc  abc1  1_1  0.000000           1           1      
1     abc  abc1  1_2 -1.166666           1           2      
2     abc  abc2  1_1  0.000000           1           1      
3     abc  abc2  1_2 -0.624999           1           2    F1
4     abc  abc3  1_1  0.000000           1           1      
5     abc  abc3  1_2 -2.020833           1           2      
6     abc  abc3  2_1  1.000000           2           1    F2
7     abc  abc3  2_2 -0.052082           2           2    F1

或者,您可以通过以下方式删除 2 个工作列work_prefixwork_suffix

df = df.drop(['work_prefix', 'work_suffix'], axis=1)



data = [['abc', 'abc1', '1_1',    '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc1',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc2',  '1_1',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001'],
 ['abc',  'abc2',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '1_1',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '1_2',  '2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999', '2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '2_1',  '2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001', '2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999'],
 ['abc',  'abc3',  '2_2',  '2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001', '2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999']]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['vehicle', 'order', 'work', 'Start', 'Finish'])

df['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start'])
df['Finish'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Finish'])


df['flag'] = ((df['Start'] - df.groupby('order')['Finish'].shift()) / pd.Timedelta(days=1)).fillna(0)



  vehicle order work                      Start                     Finish      flag
0     abc  abc1  1_1 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000  0.000000
1     abc  abc1  1_2 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-02 09:59:59.964000 -1.166666
2     abc  abc2  1_1 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001  0.000000
3     abc  abc2  1_2 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-01 20:59:59.964001 -0.624999
4     abc  abc3  1_1 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000  0.000000
5     abc  abc3  1_2 2021-06-01 06:00:00.035999 2021-06-03 06:29:59.964000 -2.020833
6     abc  abc3  2_1 2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001 2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999  1.000000
7     abc  abc3  2_2 2021-06-04 06:30:00.000001 2021-06-04 07:44:59.927999 -0.052082


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