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[英]Finding the maximum and minimum value of a quadratic equation

所以我编写了一个程序来计算二次方程的零点,但我需要帮助制定方法来找到最大/最小值、极值点坐标以及它是最大值还是最小值。 感谢所有帮助!

a = float(input("enter the value of coefficient 'a':   "))

b  = float(input("enter the value of coefficient 'b':  "))

c  = float(input("enter the value of coefficient 'c':  "))

z = ( b**2) - (4*a*c)

z2 = ( ( z**(1/2) )    -b )/2*a

z3 = ( -( z**(1/2) )    -b )/2*a

z4 = (-b)/2*a

z5 = (-z)/4*a

if a!=0:

    if a>0:

        print("the concavity of the parabola is facing upwards")


        print("the concavity of the parabola is facing downwards")

print("the square roots are: ", z2," and ", z3)

print("the coordinate of the maximum point is:", "( ",z4," ",z5," )")


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