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Pandas DataFrame:有效分解行集差异

[英]Pandas DataFrame: efficiently factorize row-wise set difference

我正在寻找一种更 Pythonic/更有效(和更短)的方法来分解(=枚举唯一实例)聚合 dataframe 中的逐行集差异。 下表说明了 dataframe 操作不应过于复杂:

产品 产品组 地点
10 1
11 1 我们
12 1 加州
13 2
14 2 J.P
15 2 我们
16 3 FR
17 3
18 4
19 4 我们
20 4 加州

应该使用list_locations = ['US', 'CA', 'JP', 'BE', 'FR']转换成表格的表格

产品组 位置列表 rest_of_world_location_list rest_of_world_index
1 行,美国,加利福尼亚 日本、比利时、法国 第 1 行
2 行,JP,美国 加利福尼亚、比利时、法国 第 2 行
4 行,美国,加利福尼亚 加利福尼亚、比利时、法国 第 1 行

这样每个product group都有一个列rest_of_world_location_list列出了list_locations中不属于产品组的所有项目。 rest_of_world_index只是rest_of_world_location_list的分解。


df = pd.DataFrame(
        "product": [10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
        "product_group": [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4],
        "location": ['RoW', 'US', 'CA', 'RoW', 'JP', 'US', 'FR', 'BE', 'RoW', 'US', 'CA']
list_locations = ['US', 'CA', 'JP', 'BE', 'FR']


activity_with_rest_of_world_location = pd.DataFrame(df[df['location'] == 'RoW']['product_group'])
activity_with_rest_of_world_location['index'] = activity_with_rest_of_world_location.index

df_rest_of_world = df[df['product_group'].isin(activity_with_rest_of_world_location['product_group'])]
df_rest_of_world = df_rest_of_world.drop(activity_with_rest_of_world_location['index'])

df_rest_of_world_agg = pd.DataFrame(
    data = df_rest_of_world.groupby('product_group')['location'].apply(tuple))
df_rest_of_world_agg.reset_index(inplace = True)
df_rest_of_world_agg = df_rest_of_world_agg.merge(
    right = activity_with_rest_of_world_location,
    how = 'left',
    on = 'product_group'

df_rest_of_world_agg.set_index(keys = 'index', inplace = True)

df_rest_of_world_agg['location_rest_of_world'] = df_rest_of_world_agg.apply(
    lambda row: tuple(set(list_io_countries) - set(row['location'])), 
    axis = 1

df_rest_of_world_agg = df_rest_of_world_agg.dropna(subset ='location_rest_of_world')

df_rest_of_world_agg['location'] = pd.factorize(df_rest_of_world_agg['location_rest_of_world'])[0]
df_rest_of_world_agg['location'] = 'RoW_' + df_rest_of_world_agg['location'].astype(str)

IIUC,您可以通过 3 个步骤使用单个管道:

world = set(list_locations)

(df.groupby('product_group', as_index=False)
   # aggregate locations as string and the rest of the from from a set difference
   .agg(**{'location_list': ('location', ', '.join),
           'rest_of_world_location_list': ('location', lambda l: ', '.join(sorted(world.difference(l))))
   # filter the rows without RoW
   .loc[lambda d: d['location_list'].str.contains('RoW')]
   # add category
   .assign(rest_of_world_index=lambda d: 'RoW_'+d['location_list'].astype('category').cat.codes.add(1).astype(str)


   product_group location_list rest_of_world_location_list rest_of_world_index
0              1   RoW, US, CA                  BE, FR, JP               RoW_2
1              2   RoW, JP, US                  BE, CA, FR               RoW_1
3              4   RoW, US, CA                  BE, FR, JP               RoW_2

具有set s 的解决方案 - 每个组的 crete 集,过滤掉没有RoW行,通过join获得差异,最后使用frozenset s 进行factorize

list_io_countries = ['US', 'CA', 'JP', 'BE', 'FR']
s = set(list_io_countries) 

df = df.groupby(df['product_group'])['location'].agg(set).reset_index(name='location_list')

df = (df[['RoW' in x for x in df['location_list']]]
       .assign(rest_of_world_location_list = lambda x: x['location_list'].apply(lambda x: ','.join(s - x)),
               rest_of_world_index = lambda x: pd.factorize(x['location_list'].apply(lambda x: frozenset(x - set(['RoW']))))[0] + 1,
               location_list = lambda x: x['location_list'].agg(','.join)
       .assign(rest_of_world_index = lambda x: 'RoW_' + x['rest_of_world_index'].astype(str)))

print (df)
   product_group location_list rest_of_world_location_list rest_of_world_index
0              1     RoW,CA,US                    JP,BE,FR               RoW_1
1              2     RoW,JP,US                    CA,BE,FR               RoW_2
3              4     RoW,CA,US                    JP,BE,FR               RoW_1


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