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[英]'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable

請不要忽略長代碼,這很簡單。 基本上,我正在嘗試用Python做一個人生游戲。 這是我得到錯誤的地方。


def neighbours_count(self):

    neighbours_count = convolve2d(self.board, np.ones((3, 3)), 
                                  mode='same', boundary='wrap') - self.board                                      
    self.neighbours_count = neighbours_count   


def make_step(self):
    # We want to check the actual board and not the board that exists after eg. step 2.
    self.board_new = np.zeros(shape=(self.size, self.size))

    # 1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
    mask = (self.board == 1) & (self.neighbours_count < 2)
    self.board_new[mask] = 0

    # 2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
    mask1 = (self.board == 1) & (self.neighbours_count == 2)
    self.board_new[mask1] = 1
    mask2 = (self.board == 1) & (self.neighbours_count == 3)
    self.board_new[mask2] = 1        

    # 3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
    mask = (self.board == 1) & (self.neighbours_count > 3)
    self.board_new[mask] = 0

    # 4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
    mask = (self.board == 0) & (self.neighbours_count == 3)
    self.board_new[mask] = 1

    self.board = self.board_new


TypeError:“ numpy.ndarray”對象不可調用



最初, neighbours_count是一種方法:

def neighbours_count(self):

    neighbours_count = convolve2d(self.board, np.ones((3, 3)), 
                                  mode='same', boundary='wrap') - self.board                                      
    self.neighbours_count = neighbours_count   

但是你用結果替換標記線這種方法convolve2d函數(你容易混淆稱為neighbours_count ),所以當你嘗試再次調用它,你沒有得到的方法,你得到的價值。 這是一個ndarray ,不可調用,因此:

TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable



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