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在沒有玩家輸入的情況下反復發射/創建子彈-UNET Unity

[英]Bullets being fired / created repeatedly without player's input - UNET Unity

場景:創建我的第一個多人游戲並遇到一個奇怪的問題。 這是一款坦克游戲,玩家可以射擊子彈並互相殺死。


問題:客戶端播放器充滿電並釋放后,子彈將繼續重復產生,並且永不停止。 如果客戶端播放器未完全充電,則不會發生此問題。

我相信問題是if (m_CurrentLaunchForce >= m_MaxLaunchForce && !m_Fired)的更新功能


private void Update()
    if (!isLocalPlayer)
    // Track the current state of the fire button and make decisions based on the current launch force.
    m_AimSlider.value = m_MinLaunchForce;

    if (m_CurrentLaunchForce >= m_MaxLaunchForce && !m_Fired) {
        m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MaxLaunchForce;
        CmdFire ();
    } else if (Input.GetButtonDown (m_FireButton) && !m_Fired) {
        m_Fired = false;
        m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;
        m_ShootingAudio.clip = m_ChargingClip;
    } else if (Input.GetButton (m_FireButton)) {
        m_CurrentLaunchForce += m_ChargeSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        m_AimSlider.value = m_CurrentLaunchForce;
    } else if (Input.GetButtonUp(m_FireButton)) {
        CmdFire ();

private void CmdFire()
    // Set the fired flag so only Fire is only called once.
    m_Fired = true;

    // Create an instance of the shell and store a reference to it's rigidbody.
    GameObject shellInstance = (GameObject)
        Instantiate (m_Shell, m_FireTransform.position, m_FireTransform.rotation) ;

    // Set the shell's velocity to the launch force in the fire position's forward direction.
    shellInstance.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = m_CurrentLaunchForce * m_FireTransform.forward; 

    // Change the clip to the firing clip and play it.
    m_ShootingAudio.clip = m_FireClip;
    m_ShootingAudio.Play ();
    NetworkServer.Spawn (shellInstance);
    // Reset the launch force.  This is a precaution in case of missing button events.
    m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;


如果仔細閱讀文檔,您會發現-> [Command]函數在與連接關聯的播放器對象上被調用。 通過將播放器objec傳遞給NetworkServer.PlayerIsReady()函數來響應“就緒”消息進行設置。 通過網絡對命令調用的參數進行序列化,以便使用與客戶端上的函數相同的值來調用服務器函數。


private void CmdFire(bool m_Fired)
    // Set the fired flag so only Fire is only called once.
    m_Fired = true;

    // Create an instance of the shell and store a reference to it's rigidbody.
    GameObject shellInstance = (GameObject)
        Instantiate (m_Shell, m_FireTransform.position, m_FireTransform.rotation) ;

    // Set the shell's velocity to the launch force in the fire position's forward direction.
    shellInstance.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = m_CurrentLaunchForce * m_FireTransform.forward; 

    // Change the clip to the firing clip and play it.
    m_ShootingAudio.clip = m_FireClip;
    m_ShootingAudio.Play ();
    NetworkServer.Spawn (shellInstance);
    // Reset the launch force.  This is a precaution in case of missing button events.
    m_CurrentLaunchForce = m_MinLaunchForce;





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