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[英]How to change pixels per unit for sprite after importing with WWW in unity?



//Get tiles from file
         StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Application.dataPath + "/../Maps/" + mapName + "/Tiles/tiles.txt");
         string line = reader.ReadLine ();

         while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (line)) {
             string[] param = line.Split (',');
             foreach (TileTexture t in tileTextures) {
                 if (t.name == param [0]) {
                     Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create (t.texture, new Rect (0, 0, t.texture.width, t.texture.height), new Vector2 (0, 0));
                     sprite.pixelsPerUnit = 32;//THIS LINE DOESNT WORK, GIVES READONLY ERROR
                     Tile tile = new Tile (param[0], sprite, new Vector2(float.Parse(param[1]), float.Parse(param[2])));
                     tile.sprite.texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                     tiles.Add (tile);

             line = reader.ReadLine ();


public static Sprite Create(Texture2D texture, 
                            Rect rect, 
                            Vector2 pivot, 
                            float pixelsPerUnit = 100.0f, 
                            uint extrude = 0, 
                            SpriteMeshType meshType = SpriteMeshType.Tight, 
                            Vector4 border = Vector4.zero);

我們看到可以將pixelsPerUnit作為可選參數傳遞到函數中。 您只能在此處執行此操作,以后就無法更改,因為您已經發現, pixelsPerUnit字段是readonly字段(意味着無法更改)。 因此,您只需要在此處傳遞32f 正確的代碼是

if (t.name == param [0]) {
                 Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create (t.texture, new Rect (0, 0, t.texture.width, t.texture.height), new Vector2 (0, 0), 32f);
                 Tile tile = new Tile (param[0], sprite, new Vector2(float.Parse(param[1]), float.Parse(param[2])));
                 tile.sprite.texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                 tiles.Add (tile);


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