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[英]Efficient matrix operations in cython with no python objects

我正在編寫一個函數,我想盡可能多地使用 Cython 將其轉換為 C。 為此,我需要使用線性代數運算。 這是我的功能。 編輯:我學到的教訓是嘗試處理循環之外的線性代數,這在很大程度上是我能夠做到的。 否則,求助於包裝 LAPACK/BLAS 或編寫我自己的函數。

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mv
import itertools

def llf(data, rho, mu, sigma, A, V, n):
    '''evaluate likelihood by guass-hermite quadrature

    data : array
        N x J matrix, columns are measurements
    rho : array
        length L vector of weights for mixture of normals
    mu : array
        L x K vector of means of mixture of normals
    sigma : array
        K x L*K matrix of variance matrices for mixture of normals
    A : array
        J x (K + 1) matrix of loadings
    V : array
        J x J variance matrix of measurement errors
    n : int
        number of sample points for quadrature

    N = data.shape[0]
    L, K = mu.shape

    # getting weights and sample points for approximating integral
    v, w = np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(n)

    totllf = 0
    for i in range(N):
        M_i = data[i, :]
        totllf_i = 0
        for l in range(L):
            rho_l = rho[l]
            sigma_l = sigma[:, K*l:K*(l+1)]
            mu_l = mu[l, :]
            chol_l = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma_l)
            for ix in itertools.product(*(list(range(n)) for k in range(K))):
               wt =  np.prod(w[list(ix)])
               pt = np.sqrt(2)*chol_l.dot(v[list(ix)]) + mu_l
               totllf_i += wt*rho_l*mv.pdf(M_i, A[:, 0] + A[:, 1:].dot(pt), V)

        totllf += np.log(totllf_i)

    return totllf

為了實現這一點,我需要具有矩陣乘法、轉置、行列式、矩陣求逆和 cholesky 分解的函數。 我看過一些關於使用BLAS函數的帖子,但我真的不清楚如何使用這些。

編輯 04/29/18

按照建議,我采用了內存視圖方法並在循環之前初始化了所有內容。 我的新函數寫成

def llf_c(double[:, ::1] data, double[::1] rho, double[:, ::1] mu, 
                double[:, ::1] sigma, double[:, ::1] A, double[:, ::1] V, int n):
    '''evaluate likelihood by guass-hermite quadrature

    data : array
        N x J matrix, columns are measurements
    rho : array
        length L vector of weights for mixture of normals
    mu : array
        L x K vector of means of mixture of normals
    sigma : array
        K x L*K matrix of variance matrices for mixture of normals
    A : array
        J x (K + 1) matrix of loadings
    V : array
        J x J variance matrix of measurement errors
    n : int
        number of sample points for quadrature

    cdef Py_ssize_t N = data.shape[0], J = data.shape[1], L = mu.shape[0], K = mu.shape[1]

    # initializing indexing variables
    cdef Py_ssize_t i, l, j, k

    # getting weights and sample points for approximating integral
    v_a, w_a = np.polynomial.hermite.hermgauss(n)
    cdef double[::1] v = v_a
    cdef double[::1] w = w_a
    cdef double[::1] v_ix = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float)

    # initializing memory views for cholesky decomposition of sigma matrices
    sigma_chol_a = np.zeros((K, L*K), dtype=np.float)
    for l in range(L):
        sigma_chol_a[:, K*l:K*(l+1)] = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma[:, K*l:K*(l+1)])

    cdef double[:, ::1] sigma_chol = sigma_chol_a

    # intializing V inverse and determinant
    cdef double[:, ::1] V_inv = np.linalg.inv(V)
    cdef double V_det = np.linalg.det(V)

    # initializing memoryviews for work matrices
    cdef double[::1] work_K = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float)
    cdef double[::1] work_J = np.zeros(J, dtype=np.float)

    # initializing memoryview for quadrature points
    cdef double[::1] pt = np.zeros(K, dtype=np.float)

    # initializing memorview for means for multivariate normal
    cdef double[::1] loc = np.zeros(J, dtype=np.float)

    # initializing values for loop
    cdef double[::1] totllf = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float)
    cdef double wt, pdf_init = 1./sqrt(((2*pi)**J)*V_det)
    cdef int[:, ::1] ix_vals = np.vstack(itertools.product(*(list(range(n)) for k in range(K)))).astype(np.int32)
    cdef Py_ssize_t ix_len = ix_vals.shape[0]

    for ix_row in range(ix_len):

        ix = ix_vals[ix_row]

        # weights and points for quadrature
        wt = 1.
        for k in range(K):
            wt *= w[ix[k]]
            v_ix[k] = v[ix[k]]

        for l in range(L):

            # change of variables
            dotmv_c(sigma_chol[:, K*l:K*(l+1)], v_ix, work_K)
            for k in range(K):
                pt[k] = sqrt(2)*work_K[k]
            addvv_c(pt, mu[l, :], pt)

            for i in range(N):

                # generating demeaned vector for multivariate normal pdf
                dotmv_c(A[:, 1:], pt, work_J)
                addvv_c(A[:, 0], work_J, work_J)
                for j in range(J):
                    loc[j] = data[i, j] - work_J[j]

                # performing matrix products in exponential
                # print(wt, rho[l], np.asarray(work_J))
                dotvm_c(loc, V_inv, work_J)
                totllf[i] += wt*rho[l]*pdf_init*exp(-0.5*dotvv_c(work_J, loc))

    return np.log(np.asarray(totllf)).sum()

dotvm_cdotmv_caddvv_c是執行向量與矩陣、矩陣與向量的矩陣乘法以及兩個向量的元素相加的函數。 我也用 Cython 寫過這些,但為了簡潔起見不包括在內。 我不再包裝任何 LAPACK 函數,因為我在使用 numpy 循環之前執行所有其他線性代數。 我還有幾個問題。 為什么我的循環中仍然有黃色? (見下面的簡介)。 我認為現在一切都應該在 C 中。 另外,如果您有任何其他基於新實現的建議,請告訴我。


例如,在第 221 行,我在編譯時收到此消息:“應鍵入索引以提高訪問效率。” 但我以為我輸入了索引 k。 另外,由於addvv_c顯示為黃色,我將addvv_c您展示它的定義。

cpdef void addvv_c(double[:] a, double[:] b, double[:] out):
    '''add two vectors elementwise
    cdef Py_ssize_t i, n = a.shape[0]

    for i in range(n):
        out[i] = a[i] + b[i]

關於優化的 Cython/BLAS 函數的一些小要點:

ipiv_a = np.zeros(n).astype(np.int32)
cdef int[::1] ipiv = ipiv_a


 cdef int[::1] ipiv = np.zeros(n,dtype=np.int32)


cdef double[:, ::1] B = A.copy()


第二個(更重要的)變化是將 C 數組用於臨時變量,例如 Fortran 工作區。 我仍然會將返回值之類的東西保留為 numpy 數組,因為引用計數和將它們發送回 Python 的能力非常有用。

 cdef double* work = <double*>malloc(n*n*sizeof(double))
     # rest of function

您需要cimport mallocfree來自libc.stdlib try: ... finally:確保正確釋放內存。 不要過度使用這個 - 例如,如果釋放 C 數組的位置不明顯,那么只需使用 numpy.


cdef void inv_c(double[:,::1] A, double[:,::1] B):
    # check that A and B are the right size, then just write into B
    # ...

這樣做的好處是,如果您需要在具有相同大小輸入的循環中調用它,那么您只需為整個循環進行一次分配。 您也可以將其擴展為包括工作數組,盡管這可能會更復雜一些。


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