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[英]Unity Align prefab to top left (2D Game)

我正在制作我的第一款游戲,其中腳本將障礙物(預制件)置於場景中。 它們在2D環境中的大小均不同。 我在下面使用此代碼放置它們

Instantiate(normal1, new Vector3(x, y , 0), Quaternion.identity);

這很完美,除了我需要將所有障礙物從左上方定位。 因此,如果我的x和y分別為0、0,則僅障礙物的角將覆蓋0、0的位置,而不是整個對象。 從我使用GUI元素的經驗來看,您可以根據自己的喜好進行調整。 預制件是否一樣?如果是,怎么做? 還是可以以某種方式移動對象的原點?


最簡單的方法是為您的對象提供一個父GameObject並以某種方式排列它們,以使父GameObject在您想要的位置(左上角)已經具有軸心。 為此,您首先要正確定位(未來)父對象,然后將子對象簡單地拖入層次結構中(同時保持其當前位置)。



// an optional offset from the top-left corner in pixels
Vector2 PixelOffsetFromTopLeft;

// Top Left pixel is at 
// x = 0
// y = Screen height

// and than add the desired offset
var spawnpos = new Vector2(0 + PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.x, Screen.height - PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.y);

// as z we want a given distance to camera (e.g. 2 Units in front)
spawnedObject = Instantiate(Prefab, camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(spawnpos.x, spawnpos.y, 2f)), Quaternion.identity);


public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject Prefab;

    public Vector2 PixelOffsetFromTopLeft = Vector2.zero;

    private GameObject spawnedObject;
    private Camera camera;

    private void Start()
        camera = Camera.main;

    private void Update()
        if (Input.anyKeyDown)
            // you don't need this I just didn't want to mess up the scene
            // so I just destroy the last spawned object before placing a new one
            if (spawnedObject)

            // Top Left pixel is at 
            // x = 0
            // y = Screen height

            // and than add the desired offset
            var spawnpos = new Vector2(0 + PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.x, Screen.height - PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.y);

            // as z we want a given distance to camera (e.g. 2 Units in front)
            spawnedObject = Instantiate(Prefab, camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(spawnpos.x, spawnpos.y, 2f)), Quaternion.identity);


現在,這將始終生成錨定在左上方的對象。 如果相機移動或調整窗口大小,則不會保持這種方式。


public class StickToTopLeft : MonoBehaviour
    private Camera camera;

    public Vector2 PixelOffsetFromTopLeft = Vector2.zero;

    private void Start()
        camera = Camera.main;

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        var spawnpos = new Vector2(0 + PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.x, Screen.height - PixelOffsetFromTopLeft.y);

        // This time simply stay at the current distance to camera
        transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(spawnpos.x, spawnpos.y, Vector3.Distance(camera.transform.position, transform.position)));




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