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如何從 txt 文件中查找和提取值?

[英]How to find and extract values from a txt file?


X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.8475

對這些行進行計數,從每行中提取浮點值,計算這些值的平均值並生成如下所示的 output。 不要在您的解決方案中使用sum() function 或名為sum的變量。*


fname = input("Enter a file name:",)
fh = open(fname)
count = 0
# this variable is to add together all the 0.8745's in every line
num = 0
for ln in fh:
    ln = ln.rstrip()
    count += 1
    if not ln.startswith("X-DSPAM-Confidence:    ") : continue
    for num in fh:
        if ln.find(float(0.8475)) == -1:
            num += float(0.8475)
        if not ln.find(float(0.8475)) : break
    # problem: values aren't adding together and gq variable ends up being zero
gq = int(num)
jp = int(count)
avr = (gq)/(jp)
print ("Average spam confidence:",float(avr))

問題是當我運行代碼時它說有一個錯誤,因為num的值為零。 所以我然后收到這個:

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero


int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

當我把它放在代碼的頂部時,python COURSERA autograder 也不接受它:

from __future__ import division

他們給我們的示例數據的文件名為“mbox-short.txt”。 這是一個鏈接http://www.py4e.com/code3/mbox-short.txt

我像下面一樣編輯了你的代碼。 我認為您的任務是找到X-DSPAM-Confidence:旁邊的數字。 我使用您的代碼來識別X-DSPAM-Confidence:行。 然后我用':'分割字符串然后我取了第一個索引並轉換為浮點數。

fname = input("Enter a file name:",)
fh = open(fname)
count = 0
# this variable is to add together all the 0.8745's in every line
num = 0
for ln in fh:
    ln = ln.rstrip()
    if not ln.startswith("X-DSPAM-Confidence:") : continue
    num += float(ln.split(":")[1])
gq = num
jp = count
avr = (gq)/(jp)
print ("Average spam confidence:",float(avr))
  • 使用with打開文件,因此文件會自動關閉。
  • 請參閱在線評論。
  • 所需的行采用X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.6961的形式,因此請在空格處拆分它們。
    • 'X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.6961'.split(' ')創建一個列表,其中數字位於列表索引 1 處。
fname = input("Enter a file name:",)
with open(fname) as fh:
    count = 0
    num = 0  # collect and add each found value
    for ln in fh:
        ln = ln.rstrip()
        if not ln.startswith("X-DSPAM-Confidence:"):  # find this string or continue to next ln
        num += float(ln.split(' ')[1])  # split on the space and add the float
        count += 1  # increment count for each matching line
    avr = num / count  # compute average
    print(f"Average spam confidence: {avr}")  # print value


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