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[英]How can I create a continuous distribution of a dataset?



我已經繪制了數據。 在 x 軸上顯示值,在 Y 軸上顯示概率 但我希望創建一個精確的分布來適應這些數據。

在我的數據分析中,我最終希望通過參數比較幾個數據分布。 我希望你們能幫助我。

線 # 價值 重量
0 0.0538502 0.016508
1 0.0184823 0.0298487
2 0.0647929 0.0122637
3 0.0262852 0.0234716
4 0.0447611 0.0197072
5 0.0643164 0.0165399
6 0.0709176 0.0143751
7 0.0871276 0.012253
8 0.0341064 0.0197392
9 0.0593696 0.0143858
10 0.0436119 0.0202617
11 0.0505131 0.0191846
12 0.0378706 0.0207842
13 0.0298233 0.0250712
14 0.157727 0.0111866
15 0.0556603 0.0186408
16 0.0542849 0.017617
17 0.0395772 0.0180969
18 0.0694962 0.0117305
19 0.0343318 0.0229277
20 0.139291 0.00907511
22 0.0232517 0.0186514
23 0.207768 0.0069423
24 0.0156452 0.021872
25 0.117749 0.0100989
26 0.124017 0.0111973
27 0.0679313 0.0133407
28 0.0733413 0.0117198
29 0.100553 0.0133407
30 0.0695865 0.016508
31 0.117732 0.0138633
32 0.0540577 0.0170518
33 0.0736274 0.0170625
34 0.0332381 0.0293155
35 0.0803423 0.0159961
36 0.0465 0.0191846
37 0.0889299 0.0159854
38 0.053232 0.020251
39 0.131361 0.0122637
40 0.0233194 0.0240048
41 0.830735 0.0053107
42 0.341012 0.0069423
43 0.101263 0.0106534
44 0.127061 0.00959765
45 0.13706 0.0122637
46 0.120035 0.0106641
47 0.0801194 0.0138526
48 0.0617996 0.0165186
49 0.197555 0.0117305
50 0.0810635 0.0133301
51 0.0178539 0.0335811
52 0.0391433 0.0170518
53 0.0663863 0.0133194
54 0.0617675 0.0170625
55 0.00684359 0.0346582
56 0.0642299 0.0133301
57 0.00970105 0.0239941
58 0.0307687 0.0213068
59 0.0160796 0.0255937
60 0.0147901 0.0266388
61 0.073745 0.0122637
62 0.0420728 0.0207949
63 0.0211625 0.0207949
66 0.0241562 0.0255937
67 0.0329688 0.0239834
68 0.0739628 0.0181289
69 0.0149927 0.0266388
70 0.0130271 0.0378467
73 0.0107957 0.0351914
74 0.040447 0.0175744
75 0.00123215 0.0559756
76 0.0134575 0.0309151
77 0.00592594 0.0453116



df = df.sort_values('Value')
plt.plot(df['Value'], df['Weight'])



import statsmodels.api as sm

x, w = df['Value'].values, df['Weight'].values
s = pd.DataFrame(sm.nonparametric.lowess(w, x, frac=0.2), columns=['x', 'w']).set_index('x').squeeze()
s = s.reindex(np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 200), method='ffill', limit=1).interpolate()
plt.plot(x, w, '.')


然后,我們可以使用它在平滑的 pdf 之后生成一個假的、粗糙的“樣本”:

sample = np.random.choice(s.index, p=s/s.sum(), size=1000)

那時,您可以根據直覺制作具有各種分布的 QQ 圖,以及 select 一個似乎很合適的圖:

from scipy.stats import _continuous_distns as distns

# trying a normal (the default)
sm.qqplot(sample, line='q')


# trying an exponential
sm.qqplot(sample, distns.expon, line='q')



# we are only interested in the parameter a, so we are
# not going to let loc and scale be fitted;
# instead, we will freeze them at loc=0, scale=1
a, loc, size = distns.powerlaw.fit(sample, floc=0, fscale=1)

# then, we do the QQ plot with the fitted parameter a
sm.qqplot(sample, distns.powerlaw, distargs=(a,), line='q')
plt.title(f'Power law with a={a}')


您現在可以根據找到的內容(類型和參數)實例化分布,從中提取隨機變量,以及 plot 和 pdf 直接用於與原始數據進行比較:

g = distns.powerlaw(a=a)

# new points drawn according to g
v = g.rvs(size=100000)
plt.hist(v, bins=100, density=True, histtype='step');

直接 pdf plot 並與原始數據對比:

y = g.pdf(x)
plt.plot(x, y/y.sum())
plt.plot(x, w/w.sum(), '.')
plt.title('Normalized pdf and original sample data')


那么,從這里到 go 到哪里? 您應該深入研究該分布及其物理意義,看看這在您的實驗設置的上下文中是否有意義。


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