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[英]How do I create support set, positive and negative pairs for siamese network

我有一個需要一對輸入的連體。 我想創建正面、負面和支持集來訓練我在這里提到的網絡。 正對:來自相同視圖(或可能不同視圖)和相同類別的圖像。 負對:不同的類別和不同的觀點。 我有以下文件夾結構。

|   +---view1
|   |       15a-scale_2_im_1_col.png
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|           15a-scale_6_im_3_col.png
|   +---view1
|   |       48a-scale_2_im_1_col.png
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|   \---view3
|           48a-scale_2_im_5_col.png
|           48a-scale_2_im_6_col.png
|           48a-scale_3_im_5_col.png
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|   +---view1
|   |       42a-scale_2_im_1_col.png
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|   |       42a-scale_5_im_6_col.png
|   |       42a-scale_5_im_7_col.png
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|   \---view3
|           42a-scale_2_im_10_col.png
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|           42a-scale_3_im_11_col.png
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|   +---view1
|   |       16a-scale_2_im_1_col.png
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|   |       16a-scale_4_im_4_col.png
|   |       16a-scale_4_im_5_col.png
|   |       16a-scale_4_im_6_col.png
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|   \---view3
|           16a-scale_8_im_10_col.png
|           16a-scale_8_im_11_col.png
    |       46a-scale_3_im_1_col.png
    |       46a-scale_3_im_2_col.png
    |       46a-scale_2_im_10_col.png
    |       46a-scale_2_im_11_col.png
    |       46a-scale_2_im_12_col.png
    |       46a-scale_3_im_10_col.png
    |       46a-scale_3_im_11_col.png
    |       46a-scale_3_im_12_col.png


|       v3_s1_patch_1.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_10.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_12.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_13.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_14.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_15.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_1.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_10.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_12.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_13.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_17.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_18.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_10.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_12.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_13.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_1.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_10.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_12.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_13.JPG

|       v3_s1_patch_1.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_10.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_11.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_12.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_16.JPG
|       v3_s1_patch_17.JPG   


def load_data_set(data_path, image_size = (224,224)):
    Load images in numpy array. Images are loaded in RGB format.
    Input: Main data directory and image size in 2D.
    Output: X and Y as numpy array.
    directory_list = os.listdir(path=data_path)
    x_data = list()
    y_data = list()

    for directory in directory_list:
        class_path = os.path.join(data_path, directory)
        image_names = os.listdir(path=class_path)
        for image_name in image_names:
            image_array = cv2.imread(
                os.path.join(class_path, image_name), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR
            image_array = cv2.cvtColor(image_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            image_array = cv2.resize(image_array, image_size)

    x_data = np.array(x_data)
    y_data = np.array(y_data)

    return x_data, y_data

def positive_pair(x_value, y_value, augmentation= False):
    Create a random positive duplet from the data.
    If augmentation is True, then image augmentation is applied
    for both images of negative duplet.
    random_index = random.randint(0, x_value.shape[0] - 1)

    if augmentation is True:
        x_anchor = image_augmentation(x_value[random_index])
        x_anchor = x_value[random_index]

    y_anchor = y_value[random_index]
    pos_index = np.squeeze(np.where(y_value == y_anchor))

    if augmentation is True:
        x_positive = image_augmentation(
            x_value[pos_index[random.randint(0, len(pos_index) - 1)]]
        x_positive = x_value[pos_index[random.randint(0, len(pos_index) - 1)]]

    return [x_anchor, x_positive], 1.0

def negative_pair(x_value, y_value, augmentation = False):
    Create a random negative duplet from the data.
    If augmentation is True, then image augmentation is applied
    for both images of negative duplet.
    random_index = random.randint(0, x_value.shape[0] - 1)

    if augmentation is True:
        x_anchor = image_augmentation(x_value[random_index])
        x_anchor = x_value[random_index]

    y_anchor = y_value[random_index]
    neg_index = np.squeeze(np.where(y_value != y_anchor))

    if augmentation is True:
        x_negative = image_augmentation(
            x_value[neg_index[random.randint(0, len(neg_index) - 1)]]
        x_negative = x_value[neg_index[random.randint(0, len(neg_index) - 1)]]

    return [x_anchor, x_negative], 0.0

我也想創建支持集這個 . 如何采用我現有的代碼來創建正負對以及上述文件夾結構的支持集。 任何幫助,將不勝感激。



def get_dataset(path):
    x_data = list()
    y_data = list()
    v_data = list()

    image_size = (224,224)

    for filename in glob.iglob(path + '**/*.JPG', recursive=True):
        view_folder = str(filename.split('/')[-3])
        class_folder = str(filename.split('/')[-2])

        image_array = cv2.imread(filename,cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
        image_array = cv2.cvtColor(image_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        image_array = cv2.resize(image_array, image_size)

    x_data = np.array(x_data)
    y_data = np.array(y_data)
    v_data = np.array(v_data)
    return x_data/255.0, y_data, v_data


def positive_duplet(x_value, y_value, v_value):
    Create a random positive duplet from data.
    for the both images of negative duplet.
    random_index = random.randint(0, x_value.shape[0] - 1)

    x_anchor = x_value[random_index]
    v_anchor = v_value[random_index]

    y_anchor = y_value[random_index]
    pos_index = np.squeeze(np.where( (y_value == y_anchor) & (v_value == v_anchor ) ) )
    x_positive = x_value[pos_index[random.randint(0, len(pos_index) - 1)]]

    return [x_anchor, x_positive], 1.0

def negative_duplet(x_value, y_value, v_value):
    Create a random negative duplet from data.
    for the both images of negative duplet.
    random_index = random.randint(0, x_value.shape[0] - 1)

    x_anchor = x_value[random_index]
    v_anchor = v_value[random_index]

    y_anchor = y_value[random_index]
    neg_index = np.squeeze(np.where( (y_value != y_anchor) & (v_value != v_anchor) ) )

    x_negative = x_value[neg_index[random.randint(0, len(neg_index) - 1)]]

    return [x_anchor, x_negative], 0.0


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