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[英]Multiple linear regressions in a single plot

提前抱歉,有什么問題或令人困惑,我只是一個有一些基本 R 的生物學家。

首先,我將對腳本背后的想法給出一些見解。 我做了一些實驗,讓蒼蠅暴露在溫度升高的不同坡度下,為此使用了一個自制的設備。 需要知道設備是否正確升高溫度,我必須為每個斜坡制作校准曲線。 使用溫度傳感器隨時間測量校准曲線。

我的第一個dput datos (西班牙語數據)的輸出是 3 個不同斜坡(0.06 °C/分鍾、0.12 °C/分鍾、0.25°C/分鍾)測量的溫度的恢復

structure(list(date2 = c("03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", "03/02/2021", 
"03/02/2021", "03/02/2021"), time2 = c("14:56:32", "14:56:42", 
"14:56:52", "14:57:02", "14:57:12", "14:57:22", "14:57:32", "14:57:42", 
"14:57:52", "14:58:02", "14:58:12", "14:58:22", "14:58:32", "14:58:42", 
"14:58:52", "14:59:02", "14:59:12", "14:59:22", "14:59:32", "14:59:42", 
"14:59:52", "15:00:02", "15:00:12", "15:00:22", "15:00:32", "15:00:42", 
"15:00:52", "15:01:02", "15:01:12", "15:01:22"), temperature = c(25.2, 
25.8, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.7, 25.5, 25.6, 25.5, 
25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 25.6, 
25.6, 25.6, 25.8, 25.8, 25.8, 25.8, 25.8), grupo = c("voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft"), segundos = c(1L, 
11L, 21L, 31L, 41L, 51L, 61L, 71L, 81L, 91L, 101L, 111L, 121L, 
131L, 141L, 151L, 161L, 171L, 181L, 191L, 201L, 211L, 221L, 231L, 
241L, 251L, 261L, 271L, 281L, 291L), id3 = 1:30, curva = structure(c(1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("a", 
"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), class = "factor"), 
    modo = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "h", class = "factor"), sujeto = c("agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus"), tamb = c(26.7, 26.7, 
    26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 
    26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 
    26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7), tratamiento = structure(c(1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("0.06", 
    "0.125", "0.25"), class = "factor"), datetime = structure(c(1612364192, 
    1612364202, 1612364212, 1612364222, 1612364232, 1612364242, 
    1612364252, 1612364262, 1612364272, 1612364282, 1612364292, 
    1612364302, 1612364312, 1612364322, 1612364332, 1612364342, 
    1612364352, 1612364362, 1612364372, 1612364382, 1612364392, 
    1612364402, 1612364412, 1612364422, 1612364432, 1612364442, 
    1612364452, 1612364462, 1612364472, 1612364482), class = c("POSIXct", 
    "POSIXt"), tzone = "GMT")), row.names = c(NA, 30L), class = "data.frame")

df dputdatos2與校准曲線的恢復相同,但已針對良好測量的曲線(具有盡可能小的變化的曲線)進行了過濾。

structure(list(date2 = c("01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", "01/03/2021", 
"01/03/2021", "01/03/2021"), time2 = c("10:24:28", "10:24:38", 
"10:24:48", "10:24:58", "10:25:08", "10:25:18", "10:25:28", "10:25:38", 
"10:25:48", "10:25:58", "10:26:08", "10:26:18", "10:26:28", "10:26:38", 
"10:26:48", "10:26:58", "10:27:08", "10:27:18", "10:27:28", "10:27:38", 
"10:27:48", "10:27:58", "10:28:08", "10:28:18", "10:28:28", "10:28:38", 
"10:28:48", "10:28:58", "10:29:08", "10:29:18"), temperature = c(26.2, 
26.8, 26.6, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.7, 26.8, 26.8, 26.8, 26.9, 26.8, 
26.8, 26.7, 26.6, 26.6, 26.7, 26.6, 26.7, 26.7, 26.6, 26.6, 26.6, 
26.7, 26.6, 26.9, 26.8, 26.8, 26.8, 26.8), grupo = c("voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", 
"voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft", "voltcraft"), segundos = c(1L, 
11L, 21L, 31L, 41L, 51L, 61L, 71L, 81L, 91L, 101L, 111L, 121L, 
131L, 141L, 151L, 161L, 171L, 181L, 191L, 201L, 211L, 221L, 231L, 
241L, 251L, 261L, 271L, 281L, 291L), id3 = 5315:5344, curva = structure(c(4L, 
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 
4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("a", 
"b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), class = "factor"), 
    modo = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "h", class = "factor"), sujeto = c("agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", 
    "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus", "agus"), tamb = c(28, 28, 
    28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 
    28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28), tratamiento = structure(c(1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
    1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("0.06", 
    "0.125", "0.25"), class = "factor"), datetime = structure(c(1614594268, 
    1614594278, 1614594288, 1614594298, 1614594308, 1614594318, 
    1614594328, 1614594338, 1614594348, 1614594358, 1614594368, 
    1614594378, 1614594388, 1614594398, 1614594408, 1614594418, 
    1614594428, 1614594438, 1614594448, 1614594458, 1614594468, 
    1614594478, 1614594488, 1614594498, 1614594508, 1614594518, 
    1614594528, 1614594538, 1614594548, 1614594558), class = c("POSIXct", 
    "POSIXt"), tzone = "GMT")), row.names = c(NA, 30L), class = "data.frame")

基本上是相同的 df 只是過濾如下

datos2=datos %>% filter((tratamiento == "0.125" & segundos < 4001 & (curva == 
"a" | curva == "b"|curva == "c" | curva == "d" | curva == "f")) | (tratamiento 
== "0.25" & segundos < 4001 & (curva == "a" | curva == "e" | curva == "j")) | 
(tratamiento == "0.06" & segundos < 4001 & (curva == "d" | curva == "e"| curva == "f")) )

3 個不同斜坡的datos2圖(這將需要作為最終圖的想法)


接下來,我使用了一個線性模型(也測試了假設),因此我可以獲得實際系數以及與實際升高溫度相關的每條曲線的“實際”斜率。 對於我使用的這個塊

modelo <- lm(datos2$temperature~datos2$segundos*datos2$tratamiento)


> data.frame(modelo$coefficients)
(Intercept)                                   26.3091784959
datos2$segundos                                0.0006260104
datos2$tratamiento0.125                       -1.0105069266
datos2$tratamiento0.25                        -1.2511820668
datos2$segundos:datos2$tratamiento0.125        0.0015812593
datos2$segundos:datos2$tratamiento0.25         0.0047528818
modelo$coefficients[1]=25 #intercept
round(modelo$coefficients[2]*60,3) #slope 




0.06 <- 0.038
0.125 <- 0.132
0.25 <- 0.323

最后,我嘗試將所有這些合並到一個圖中。 為此,我使用每個處理(每條曲線)的估計斜坡方程生成了一個預測斜坡。 我為此使用了一個小向量(10800 作為最后一個數字,因此所有曲線同時與 X 相交)。 最后我將預測作為一個函數來應用估計方程來計算應該預期的 Y。 這是我遇到各種我不理解和無法解決的錯誤的地方。

new_datos <- data.frame(segundos = rep(seq(0,10800,length.out=100),3),tratamiento = c(rep("0.06",200),rep("0.125",200),rep("0.25",200)))


structure(list(segundos = c(0, 109.090909090909, 218.181818181818, 
327.272727272727, 436.363636363636, 545.454545454545, 654.545454545455, 
763.636363636364, 872.727272727273, 981.818181818182, 1090.90909090909, 
1200, 1309.09090909091, 1418.18181818182, 1527.27272727273, 1636.36363636364, 
1745.45454545455, 1854.54545454545, 1963.63636363636, 2072.72727272727, 
2181.81818181818, 2290.90909090909, 2400, 2509.09090909091, 2618.18181818182, 
2727.27272727273, 2836.36363636364, 2945.45454545455, 3054.54545454545, 
3163.63636363636), tratamiento = c("0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", 
"0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", 
"0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", 
"0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", "0.06", 
"0.06", "0.06")), row.names = c(NA, 30L), class = "data.frame")


b <- data.frame(predict.lm(modelo,data=new_datos,interval = "prediction"))

new_datos$temperature <- b[,1]
new_datos$lwr <- b[,2]
new_datos$upr <- b[,3]
levels(new_datos$tratamiento)[levels(datos$tratamiento)=="0.06"] <- "0.038 ºC/min"
levels(new_datos$tratamiento)[levels(datos$tratamiento)=="0.125"] <- "0.132 ºC/min"
levels(new_datos$tratamiento)[levels(datos$tratamiento)=="0.25"] <- "0.323 ºC/min"

# Split datos into Training and Testing
sample_size = floor(0.2*nrow(datos2))
# randomly split datos 
picked = sample(seq_len(nrow(datos2)),size = sample_size)
development =datos2[picked,]


> b <- data.frame(predict.lm(modelo,data=new_datos,interval = "prediction"))
Warning message:
In predict.lm(modelo, data = new_datos, interval = "prediction") :
  predictions on current data refer to _future_ responses

> new_datos$temperature <- b[,1]
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, temperature, value = c(25.0006260103883,  : 
  replacement has 7452 rows, data has 600
> new_datos$lwr <- b[,2]
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, lwr, value = c(22.6325633882165, 22.638854566693,  : 
  replacement has 7452 rows, data has 600
> levels(new_datos$tratamiento)[levels(datos$tratamiento)=="0.06"] <- "0.038 ºC/min"
Error in `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("0.038 ºC/min", NA, NA)) : 
  factor level [3] is duplicated
> levels(new_datos$tratamiento)[levels(datos$tratamiento)=="0.125"] <- "0.132 ºC/min"
Error in `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(NA, "0.132 ºC/min", NA)) : 
  factor level [3] is duplicated

問題是:有沒有辦法獲得 Sup.3 中的每條曲線(后面可能是灰色的)。 在單個圖中,另外還有 3 條曲線計算疊加在曲線上的每個系數(斜率)(背面為灰色)?




    temperature segundos curva tratamiento
1          25.2        1     a        0.06
2          25.8       11     a        0.06
3          25.6       21     a        0.06
4          25.6       31     a        0.06
5          25.6       41     a        0.06
6          25.6       51     a        0.06
7          25.6       61     a        0.06
8          25.6       71     a        0.06
9          25.7       81     a        0.06
10         25.5       91     a        0.06
11         25.6      101     a        0.06
12         25.5      111     a        0.06
13         25.6      121     a        0.06
14         25.6      131     a        0.06
15         25.6      141     a        0.06
16         25.6      151     a        0.06
17         25.6      161     a        0.06
18         25.6      171     a        0.06
19         25.6      181     a        0.06
20         25.6      191     a        0.06
21         25.6      201     a        0.06
22         25.6      211     a        0.06
23         25.6      221     a        0.06
24         25.6      231     a        0.06
25         25.6      241     a        0.06
26         25.8      251     a        0.06
27         25.8      261     a        0.06
28         25.8      271     a        0.06
29         25.8      281     a        0.06
30         25.8      291     a        0.06
31         25.7      301     a        0.06
32         25.8      311     a        0.06
33         25.7      321     a        0.06
34         25.7      331     a        0.06
35         25.8      341     a        0.06
36         25.8      351     a        0.06
37         25.7      361     a        0.06
38         25.7      371     a        0.06
39         25.7      381     a        0.06
40         25.9      391     a        0.06
41         25.9      401     a        0.06
42         25.9      411     a        0.06
43         25.9      421     a        0.06
44         25.9      431     a        0.06
45         25.9      441     a        0.06
46         25.9      451     a        0.06
47         25.9      461     a        0.06
48         25.9      471     a        0.06
49         25.9      481     a        0.06
50         25.9      491     a        0.06
51         25.9      501     a        0.06
52         25.9      511     a        0.06
53         25.9      521     a        0.06
54         25.9      531     a        0.06
55         25.9      541     a        0.06
56         25.9      551     a        0.06
57         25.9      561     a        0.06
58         25.9      571     a        0.06
59         25.9      581     a        0.06
60         25.9      591     a        0.06
61         25.8      601     a        0.06
62         25.9      611     a        0.06
63         26.0      621     a        0.06
64         25.9      631     a        0.06
65         26.2      641     a        0.06
66         26.1      651     a        0.06
67         26.1      661     a        0.06
68         26.1      671     a        0.06
69         26.1      681     a        0.06
70         26.1      691     a        0.06
71         26.1      701     a        0.06
72         26.1      711     a        0.06
73         26.2      721     a        0.06
74         26.1      731     a        0.06
75         26.1      741     a        0.06
76         26.1      751     a        0.06
77         26.1      761     a        0.06
78         26.1      771     a        0.06
79         26.2      781     a        0.06
80         26.3      791     a        0.06
81         26.1      801     a        0.06
82         26.3      811     a        0.06
83         26.1      821     a        0.06
84         26.3      831     a        0.06
85         26.1      841     a        0.06
86         26.3      851     a        0.06
87         26.4      861     a        0.06
88         26.3      871     a        0.06
89         26.3      881     a        0.06
90         26.3      891     a        0.06
91         26.3      901     a        0.06
92         26.3      911     a        0.06
93         26.3      921     a        0.06
94         26.3      931     a        0.06
95         26.3      941     a        0.06
96         26.2      951     a        0.06
97         26.3      961     a        0.06
98         26.3      971     a        0.06
99         26.3      981     a        0.06
100        26.3      991     a        0.06
101        26.5     1001     a        0.06
102        26.3     1011     a        0.06
103        26.5     1021     a        0.06
104        26.5     1031     a        0.06
105        26.5     1041     a        0.06
106        26.5     1051     a        0.06
107        26.5     1061     a        0.06
108        26.5     1071     a        0.06
109        26.6     1081     a        0.06
110        26.5     1091     a        0.06
111        26.5     1101     a        0.06
112        26.5     1111     a        0.06
113        26.6     1121     a        0.06
114        26.5     1131     a        0.06
115        26.5     1141     a        0.06
116        26.5     1151     a        0.06
117        26.5     1161     a        0.06
118        26.5     1171     a        0.06
119        26.6     1181     a        0.06
120        26.5     1191     a        0.06
121        26.5     1201     a        0.06
122        26.5     1211     a        0.06
123        26.5     1221     a        0.06
124        26.6     1231     a        0.06
125        26.5     1241     a        0.06
126        26.6     1251     a        0.06
127        26.7     1261     a        0.06
128        26.7     1271     a        0.06
129        26.8     1281     a        0.06
130        26.5     1291     a        0.06
131        26.7     1301     a        0.06
132        26.7     1311     a        0.06
133        26.7     1321     a        0.06
134        26.8     1331     a        0.06
135        26.7     1341     a        0.06
136        26.5     1351     a        0.06
137        26.7     1361     a        0.06
138        26.7     1371     a        0.06
139        26.8     1381     a        0.06
140        26.7     1391     a        0.06
141        26.8     1401     a        0.06
142        26.7     1411     a        0.06
143        26.8     1421     a        0.06
144        26.8     1431     a        0.06
145        26.7     1441     a        0.06
146        26.7     1451     a        0.06
147        26.8     1461     a        0.06
148        26.8     1471     a        0.06
149        26.7     1481     a        0.06
150        26.8     1491     a        0.06
151        26.7     1501     a        0.06
152        26.7     1511     a        0.06
153        26.7     1521     a        0.06
154        26.7     1531     a        0.06
155        26.8     1541     a        0.06
156        26.8     1551     a        0.06
157        26.7     1561     a        0.06
158        26.8     1571     a        0.06
159        26.7     1581     a        0.06
160        26.8     1591     a        0.06
161        27.0     1601     a        0.06
162        27.0     1611     a        0.06
163        27.0     1621     a        0.06
164        27.0     1631     a        0.06
165        27.0     1641     a        0.06
166        27.0     1651     a        0.06
167        27.0     1661     a        0.06
168        27.0     1671     a        0.06
169        27.0     1681     a        0.06
170        27.0     1691     a        0.06
171        27.0     1701     a        0.06
172        27.0     1711     a        0.06
173        27.0     1721     a        0.06
174        27.0     1731     a        0.06
175        27.0     1741     a        0.06
176        26.9     1751     a        0.06
177        27.0     1761     a        0.06
178        27.0     1771     a        0.06
179        27.0     1781     a        0.06
180        27.0     1791     a        0.06
181        27.0     1801     a        0.06
182        27.0     1811     a        0.06
183        27.3     1821     a        0.06
184        27.2     1831     a        0.06
185        27.2     1841     a        0.06
186        27.2     1851     a        0.06
187        27.2     1861     a        0.06
188        27.3     1871     a        0.06
189        27.2     1881     a        0.06
190        27.2     1891     a        0.06
191        27.2     1901     a        0.06
192        27.2     1911     a        0.06
193        27.2     1921     a        0.06
194        27.2     1931     a        0.06
195        27.2     1941     a        0.06
196        27.4     1951     a        0.06
197        27.4     1961     a        0.06
198        27.5     1971     a        0.06
199        27.4     1981     a        0.06
200        27.3     1991     a        0.06



這是一個想法,但是在一個圖中有 3 種處理方法(如下圖所示)





然而,這是沒有訓練和測試數據的,因此它不是測量的“真實”斜率。 當我嘗試使用b繪制繪圖時:

#solved errors making a bigger vector to fit my data
new_datos <- data.frame(segundos = rep(seq(0,5000,length.out=2484),1),tratamiento = c(rep("0.06",2484),rep("0.125",2484),rep("0.25",2484)))


ggplot(new_datos,aes(x=segundos,y=temperature,group = tratamiento,colour=tratamiento)) +
   geom_point(data=development,aes(x=segundos,y=temperature,group = curva),size = 1,alpha=0.8,color="grey50",show.legend = FALSE) +
   geom_point(size = 3,show.legend = FALSE) + labs(x="Tiempo (s)", y="Temperatura (ºC)") +
   geom_text(aes(x = segundos, y = temperature+1, label = c("0,038 °C/min", "0.132 ºC/min","0.323 ºC/min")),color = "black",data = new_datos[c(200,250,500),]) +
   scale_color_manual(values = c("#3B9AB2", "#E8C520", "#F21A00","grey"))

然后腳本和以前一樣。 最終情節: 在此處輸入圖像描述

我正在生成一些測試數據並使用它來演示如何實現我認為你所要求的,因為你提供的數據仍然不夠完整以運行你的代碼(這不是一個大問題 - 我認為這個樣本數據很好地說明了這些概念):

# How many 'curves' and 'treatments' do we want?
n_curve <- 6
n_treat <- 3
n <- n_curve * n_treat

# Take the cars dataset and repeat it n times
dataDF <- do.call("rbind", replicate(n, cars, simplify = FALSE))

# Assign a curve ID
dataDF$curve <- as.factor(rep(letters[1:n_curve], each=nrow(cars)))

# Assign a treatment ID
dataDF$treatment <- as.factor(rep(LETTERS[1:n_treat], each=nrow(cars)))

# Adjust the data by a small, random number so that our curves aren't identical
dataDF$speed2 <- dataDF$speed + dataDF$speed * (sample(c(-6:6), size=nrow(dataDF), replace=T) / 100)
dataDF$dist2  <- dataDF$dist +   dataDF$dist * (sample(c(-6:6), size=nrow(dataDF), replace=T) / 100)

# Make sure that data differ between treatments
dataDF$dist2  <- dataDF$dist2  * (as.numeric(dataDF$treatment)^2)

# The 'real' data are plotted in grey
# I'm using geom_smooth() to build a linear model of the data and
# then plotting that in red. You can instead build a separate lm
# and use the predict() function to generate new data, and then
# plot that here by adding another line along the lines of:
#  geom_line(data=new_datos, aes(x=segundos, y=temperature))
ggplot(dataDF, aes(x=speed2, y=dist2)) +
  geom_line(col='grey50') +
  geom_smooth(method='lm', col='red', fill='red') +

這為我們提供了一個圖,其中每個處理都有單獨的子圖(“方面”)。 基於真實數據的原始曲線以灰色繪制。 來自線性模型的線(此處由 ggplot 塊內的geom_smooth()生成)以紅色繪制在頂部。



# We can also do this in one plot by removing the facet
# and colouring the geom_smooth() lines by treatment:
ggplot(dataDF, aes(x=speed2, y=dist2, col=treatment, fill=treatment)) +
  geom_line(alpha=0.5) +


我不完全確定你的目標是什么,但希望這能給你一些開始。 如果您需要其他信息,請隨時對此答案發表評論。


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