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使用Direct 3D(C ++)的DIrectX 11 2D游戏引擎

[英]DIrectX 11 2D Game Engine using Direct 3D (C++)

I have scoured the internet looking for assistance in creating a 2D game engine in DirectX 11 using Direct 3D (instead of the Direct 2D wrapper, which most sites seem to agree isn't ideal). 我搜寻了互联网,以寻求在使用Direct 3D(而不是Direct 2D包装器,大多数网站似乎都认为不是理想的Direct 2D包装器)中创建DirectX 11 2D游戏引擎方面的帮助。

I have found a plethora of resources detailing how to create a 3D game engine, but as this is my first engine attempt, I'd rather go with 2D and save myself the trouble of 3D math... I have also found a decent amount of information and textbooks on creating a 2D engine in DirectX 9, but it's my understanding that DirectX 9 handles a lot of these things very differently than DirectX 11 --and I'd rather be learning the latest and greatest (ignoring DIrectX 12 obviously, which many sites seem to agree isn't ideal for 2D) 我发现了很多资源,详细介绍了如何创建3D游戏引擎,但是这是我的第一次引擎尝试,我宁愿使用2D并省去3D数学的麻烦...我也发现了很多有关在DirectX 9中创建2D引擎的信息和教科书,但是据我了解,DirectX 9与DirectX 11的处理方式大不相同-我宁愿学习最新的内容,也最好学习(显然忽略了DIrectX 12,许多网站似乎都认为这不是2D的理想选择)

Therefore, can anyone recommend any good sites, textbooks, videos, tutorials etc.. that could help me build a 2D game engine in C++ with DirectX 11 3D? 因此,谁能推荐任何好的网站,教科书,视频,教程等来帮助我使用DirectX 11 3D在C ++中构建2D游戏引擎? --or, should I be doing something completely different? -或者,我应该做些完全不同的事情吗?

Some other notes: I don't want to use OpenGL; 其他一些注意事项:我不想使用OpenGL。 I have already looked at: http://www.directxtutorial.com/LessonList.aspx?listid=11 and http://www.rastertek.com/dx11tut11.html to name a few. 我已经看过了: http : //www.directxtutorial.com/LessonList.aspx?listid=11http://www.rastertek.com/dx11tut11.html仅举几例。

DirectX 2D is what you want if you will only do 2D. 如果只进行2D操作,则需要DirectX 2D。 It is hardware accelerated and you can use the math library that is shared with DirectX 11 & 12 to ease you into the workings of a 3D Engine. 它是硬件加速的,您可以使用DirectX 11和12共享的数学库来简化3D引擎的工作。 If you will eventually convert it to 3D, Chuck W. Comment on DirextX tool kit is a good one. 如果最终将其转换为3D,则可以使用ChuckW。对DirextX工具包的评论是一个很好的工具。
Chuck, BTW, are you still writing a DirectX 12 Sprite batch class you mention last year? 顺便说一句,查克(Chuck),您还在写去年提到的DirectX 12 Sprite批处理类吗? Would be awesome to see that. 看到那真棒。

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