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DIrectX 11 2D Game Engine using Direct 3D (C++)

I have scoured the internet looking for assistance in creating a 2D game engine in DirectX 11 using Direct 3D (instead of the Direct 2D wrapper, which most sites seem to agree isn't ideal).

I have found a plethora of resources detailing how to create a 3D game engine, but as this is my first engine attempt, I'd rather go with 2D and save myself the trouble of 3D math... I have also found a decent amount of information and textbooks on creating a 2D engine in DirectX 9, but it's my understanding that DirectX 9 handles a lot of these things very differently than DirectX 11 --and I'd rather be learning the latest and greatest (ignoring DIrectX 12 obviously, which many sites seem to agree isn't ideal for 2D)

Therefore, can anyone recommend any good sites, textbooks, videos, tutorials etc.. that could help me build a 2D game engine in C++ with DirectX 11 3D? --or, should I be doing something completely different?

Some other notes: I don't want to use OpenGL; I have already looked at: http://www.directxtutorial.com/LessonList.aspx?listid=11 and http://www.rastertek.com/dx11tut11.html to name a few.

DirectX 2D is what you want if you will only do 2D. It is hardware accelerated and you can use the math library that is shared with DirectX 11 & 12 to ease you into the workings of a 3D Engine. If you will eventually convert it to 3D, Chuck W. Comment on DirextX tool kit is a good one.
Chuck, BTW, are you still writing a DirectX 12 Sprite batch class you mention last year? Would be awesome to see that.

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