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[英]What's the best way to do matrix multiplication between 2 lists of sparseVectors with DataFrame-based API in pyspark?

I have 2 DataFrame s with the same structure: DataFrame[id: bigint, tfidf_features: vector]我有 2 DataFrame具有相同结构的DataFrame[id: bigint, tfidf_features: vector]DataFrame[id: bigint, tfidf_features: vector]

I need to multiple rows in dataframe1 with rows in dataframe2 .我需要在多行dataframe1与行dataframe2 I can use a loop and do things like: dataframe1.collect()[i]['tfidf_features'].dot(dataframe2.collect()[j]['tfidf_features']) .我可以使用循环并执行以下操作: dataframe1.collect()[i]['tfidf_features'].dot(dataframe2.collect()[j]['tfidf_features'])

However, I would like to use matrix multiplication, something equivalent to: np.matmul(dataframe1_tfidf_features, dataframe2_tfidf_features.T) .但是,我想使用矩阵乘法,相当于: np.matmul(dataframe1_tfidf_features, dataframe2_tfidf_features.T)

You have two choices你有两个选择
1. mllib.linalg.distributed.BlockMatrix convert both dataframes to block matrices and use mulitply 1. mllib.linalg.distributed.BlockMatrix将两个数据帧转换为块矩阵并使用mulitply

bm1 = IndexedRowMatrix(df1.rdd.map(lambda x: IndexedRow(x[0], x[1]))).toBlockMatrix()
bm2 = IndexedRowMatrix(df2.rdd.map(lambda x: IndexedRow(x[0], x[1]))).toBlockMatrix()
bm_result = bm1.multiply(bm2)  

2. pyspark.sql.dataframe.crossJoin crossjoin both dataframes and calculate individual element of resultant matrix and then use collect_list & sort 2. pyspark.sql.dataframe.crossJoin交叉连接两个数据帧并计算结果矩阵的单个元素,然后使用 collect_list & sort

arr = np.array
df =df1.crossJoin(df2.select(col("id").alias("id2"),

udf_mult = udf(lambda x,y = float(arr(x).dot(arr(y).T).sum()), DoubleType()) 
df = df.withColumn("val", udf_mult("features","features2")).
st = struct(["id2","val"]).alias("map")
df = df.select("id", st).groupBy("id").agg(collect_list("map").alias("list"))

def sort(x):

    x = sorted(x, key=lambda x:x[0])
    y = list(map(lambda a:a[1], x))
udf_sort = udf(sort, ArrayType(DoubleType()))
df = df.withColumn("list", udf_sort("list"))

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