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[英]The faster way to do matrix multiplication between a matrix and a diagonal matrix?

I am coding a computational package in python using numpy, in the package, I would do the matrix multiplication between an arbitrary large square matrix (eg of size 100*100) and a diagonal matrix of same size frequently. 我正在使用numpy在python中编码一个计算包,在该包中,我会经常在任意大的方阵(例如大小为100 * 100)和对等大小的对角矩阵之间进行矩阵乘法。

I have an O(n^2) method, but I think that further improvement could be made. 我有一个O(n ^ 2)方法,但是我认为可以做进一步的改进。

A is of size 100*100
B is a diagonal matrix 
want to do np.dot(A,B) quickly

answer1= np.dot(A,B) ###O(n^3) method, quite slow

answer2=np.multiply(A,C) ##O(n^2) method, 3times faster for n=100

The anwer2 is O(n^2) but I think it's not good enough, because the operation C+=diag_elements are wasting 1/3 time and could be avoided possibly. anwer2是O(n ^ 2),但我认为这还不够好,因为操作C + = diag_elements浪费了1/3的时间,可以避免。

I expect that some numpy function could do the matrix multiplication more elegently and faster. 我希望一些numpy函数可以更灵活,更快地完成矩阵乘法。 Could someone help me out? 有人可以帮我吗?


answer3 = np.multiply(A,diag_elements)

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