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从 3d 数组中提取 2d 补丁

[英]Extracting 2d patches from 3d arrays

scikit-learn's extract_patches_2d can be used to reshape a 2D image into a collection of patches. scikit-learn 的extract_patches_2d可用于将 2D 图像重塑为补丁集合。 extract_patches is the generalized form that uses NumPy's as_strided . extract_patches是使用 NumPy 的as_strided的通用形式。

import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction import image

ex = np.arange(3 * 3).reshape(3, 3)
image.extract_patches_2d(ex, patch_size=(2, 2))
[[[0 1]
  [3 4]]

 [[1 2]
  [4 5]]

 [[3 4]
  [6 7]]

 [[4 5]
  [7 8]]]

I have a three-dimensional array a and would like to extract 2d patches from each "innermost" 2d array, then find the (axis-agnostic) mean of each 2d patch.我有一个三维数组a并且想从每个“最里面”的二维数组中提取二维补丁,然后找到每个二维补丁的(轴不可知)平均值。

a = np.arange(2 * 3 * 3).reshape(2, 3, 3)

In this case, I effectively want to first call extract_patches_2d on each (3, 3) inner array.在这种情况下,我实际上想首先在每个 (3, 3) 内部数组上调用extract_patches_2d

patches = np.array([image.extract_patches_2d(i, patch_size=(2, 2)) for i in a])

and then find the mean of each innermost 2d array (each patch):然后找到每个最里面的二维数组(每个补丁)的平均值:

means = patches.reshape(*patches.shape[:-2], -1).mean(axis=-1)
[[  2.   3.   5.   6.]
 [ 11.  12.  14.  15.]]

How can I vectorize this and get rid of the for-loop above?如何矢量化它并摆脱上面的 for 循环? The important thing here is that the size of the first dimension of means is equal to the size of a 's first dimension.这里重要的是, means的第一个维度的大小等于a的第一个维度的大小。

You can use scikit-image as view_as_windows to get those patches as a view into input array -您可以使用scikit-image 作为view_as_windows将这些patches作为输入数组的view -

from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows

size = 2 # patch size
patches = view_as_windows(a, (1,size,size))[...,0,:,:]

This gives us a 5D array as patches , on which we can use mean reduction along the last two axes for a 3D output -这为我们提供了一个5D数组作为patches ,我们可以使用沿最后两个轴的mean减少来进行3D输出 -

out = patches.mean((-2,-1))

If the final output is needed as a 2D one, reshape to merge last two axes -如果最终输出需要作为2D输出,请重塑以合并最后两个轴 -


This can also utilize sklearn 's extract_patches :这也可以利用sklearnextract_patches

def inner_means(arr_3d, patch_size):
    """Axis-agnostic mean of each 2d patch.

    Maintains the first dimension of `arr_3d`.

    patch_size: tuple
        Same syntax as the parameter passed to extract_patches_2d
    shape = (1,) + patch_size
    patches = image.extract_patches(arr_3d, shape)[..., 0, :, :].mean((-2, -1))
    return patches.reshape(*patches.shape[:-2], -1)

a = np.arange(2 * 3 * 3).reshape(2, 3, 3)
    print(inner_means(a, patch_size=(2, 2)))

[[  2.   3.   5.   6.]
 [ 11.  12.  14.  15.]]

Alternatively, to directly get to the blocky average values, we can use one of those convolution tools from Scipy.或者,为了直接获得块状平均值,我们可以使用 Scipy 的卷积工具之一。 So with fftconvolve -所以使用fftconvolve -

from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

out = fftconvolve(a, np.ones((1,size,size)),mode='valid')/size**2

Or use scipy.signal.convolve or scipy.ndimage.filters.uniform_filter there without the division.或者在没有除法的情况下使用scipy.signal.convolvescipy.ndimage.filters.uniform_filter

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