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[英]Generate exponential distribution in Python

I'm aware of the random.expovariate function but this is not what I need. 我知道random.expovariate函数,但这不是我所需要的。 I'd like to generate a stream of length N in which each element i between 1 and M is chosen with probability 1/(2^(i+1)) Thus,element 0 is chosen with probability 1/2, element 1 with probability 1/4, element 2 with probability 1/8, etc. 我想生成一个长度为N的流,其中选择1M之间的每个元素i概率为1 /(2 ^(i + 1))。因此,选择元素0概率为1/2,选择元素1概率为概率1/4,元素2的概率为1/8,依此类推。

Is there any simple way to do that in python ? 有什么简单的方法可以在python中做到这一点吗?

the simple solution is to revert the function and predict the proba to find the number: 简单的解决方案是还原函数并预测proba来找到数字:

def generate():
    proba = random.random()
    max = 0
    for i in range(1,M+1):
         max += (1/2)**i
         if(proba<= max):
              return i-1
    return generate()

if M is small the distribution is not converging and thus not all [0,1] is reacheable, so you just try again. 如果M小,分布将不会收敛,因此并非所有[0,1]都是可到达的,因此您只需重试即可。

a little test: 一点测试:

M = 10
res = [0 for i in range(M+1)]
for i in range(1000):
plt.plot([r/1000 for r in res])


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