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[英]Running similar program in multiple cores with different variable

I have a program which I want to create N instances of, where the only thing that varies is some hyper parameter $\\beta$. 我有一个程序,我想创建N个实例,其中唯一不同的是一些超参数$ \\ beta $。

In my mind I know I could do this with a bash script, where I call the program N times, each with a different value for $\\beta$, and send each one to the background so that the next one can run: 在我看来,我知道我可以使用bash脚本执行此操作,我将程序调用N次,每次调用$ \\ beta $的值,并将每个值发送到后台,以便下一个可以运行:


nohup python3 test.py 1 >> res.txt &
nohup python3 test.py 2 >> res.txt &
nohup python3 test.py 3 >> res.txt &
nohup python3 test.py 4 >> res.txt &

Maybe I can also do this directly in python, in a cleaner manner. 也许我也可以在python中以更干净的方式直接执行此操作。 My question is, from your experience, what is the cleanest way of achieving this? 我的问题是,根据您的经验,实现这一目标的最简洁方法是什么? Feel free to ask any detail I might have missed. 随意询问我可能错过的任何细节。

For running multiple things in parallel, the thing that comes to my mind is GNU Parallel . 为了并行运行多个东西,我想到的是GNU Parallel

So for your example, a dry-run gives this: 所以对于你的例子,干运行给出了:

parallel --dry-run 'nohup python prog.py {} &' ::: {1..4}

Sample Output 样本输出

nohup python prog.py 3 &
nohup python prog.py 2 &
nohup python prog.py 1 &
nohup python prog.py 4 &

In general, you don't want multiple, parallel processes writing to the same file - it makes a mess, so I would name the output file after the parameter: 一般情况下,您不希望多个并行进程写入同一个文件 - 这会弄得一团糟,所以我会在参数后面命名输出文件:

parallel --dry-run 'nohup python prog.py {}  > res{}.txt &' ::: {1..4}

You are looking for the subprocess module. 您正在寻找子进程模块。

subprocess.run([process_name, arg1, arg2, argn])

An Example. 一个例子。

import subprocess

subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])

Also check how to call a subprocess and get the output 还要检查如何调用子进程并获取输出

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