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[英]Putting one image in each box side

I want to put for each side of the box (6 sides), one image face: image1.jpg我想为盒子的每一面(6 面)放置一个图像面:image1.jpg

left: image2.jpg左:image2.jpg


top: image4.jpg顶部:image4.jpg



Is there a way to do it?有办法吗? here is the code I used to get a box with one image这是我用来获得带有一张图片的盒子的代码

from vpython import *
scene.forward = vector(-1,-.5,-1)
box( color=color.green,
     texture={'file':'images/01.jpg', 'place':['right','sides']} )

A simple scheme is to make your own cube out of 6 thin boxes (or quads).一个简单的方案是用 6 个薄盒子(或四边形)制作你自己的立方体。 I'll mention that you can get much faster and better help in the VPython forum https://groups.google.com/g/vpython-users我会提到,您可以在 VPython 论坛https://groups.google.com/g/vpython-users中获得更快更好的帮助

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