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[英]Is there an easy way/algorithm to match 2 clouds of 2D points?

I am wondering if there is an easy way to match (register) 2 clouds of 2d points. 我想知道是否有一种简单的方法来匹配(注册)2个点的2个云。

Let's say I have an object represented by points and an cluttered 2nd image with the object points and noise (noise in a way of points that are useless). 假设我有一个由点表示的对象和一个杂乱的第二个图像,其中包含对象点和噪声(噪声以一种无用的点的方式)。

Basically the object can be 2d rotated as well as translated and scaled. 基本上,对象可以是2d旋转以及翻译和缩放。

I know there is the ICP - Algorithm but I think that this is not a good approach due to high noise. 我知道有ICP算法,但我认为由于噪音很大,这​​不是一个好方法。

I hope that you understand what i mean. 我希望你明白我的意思。 please ask if (im sure it is) anything is unclear. 请询问(确定是)任何事情都不清楚。

cheers 干杯

Here is the function that finds translation and rotation. 这是查找平移和旋转的函数。 Generalization to scaling, weighted points, and RANSAC are straight forward. 缩放,加权点和RANSAC的推广是直截了当的。 I used openCV library for visualization and SVD. 我使用openCV库进行可视化和SVD。 The function below combines data generation, Unit Test , and actual solution. 以下功能结合了数据生成,单元测试和实际解决方案。

 // rotation and translation in 2D from point correspondences
 void rigidTransform2D(const int N) {

// Algorithm: http://igl.ethz.ch/projects/ARAP/svd_rot.pdf

const bool debug = false;      // print more debug info
const bool add_noise = true; // add noise to imput and output
srand(time(NULL));           // randomize each time

 * Creat data with some noise

// Simulated transformation
Point2f T(1.0f, -2.0f);
float a = 30.0; // [-180, 180], see atan2(y, x)
float noise_level = 0.1f;
cout<<"True parameters: rot = "<<a<<"deg., T = "<<T<<
        "; noise level = "<<noise_level<<endl;

// noise
vector<Point2f> noise_src(N), noise_dst(N);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    noise_src[i] = Point2f(randf(noise_level), randf(noise_level));
    noise_dst[i] = Point2f(randf(noise_level), randf(noise_level));

// create data with noise
vector<Point2f> src(N), dst(N);
float Rdata = 10.0f; // radius of data
float cosa = cos(a*DEG2RAD);
float sina = sin(a*DEG2RAD);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {

    // src
    float x1 = randf(Rdata);
    float y1 = randf(Rdata);
    src[i] = Point2f(x1,y1);
    if (add_noise)
        src[i] += noise_src[i];

    // dst
    float x2 = x1*cosa - y1*sina;
    float y2 = x1*sina + y1*cosa;
    dst[i] = Point2f(x2,y2) + T;
    if (add_noise)
        dst[i] += noise_dst[i];

    if (debug)
        cout<<i<<": "<<src[i]<<"---"<<dst[i]<<endl;

// Calculate data centroids
Scalar centroid_src = mean(src);
Scalar centroid_dst = mean(dst);
Point2f center_src(centroid_src[0], centroid_src[1]);
Point2f center_dst(centroid_dst[0], centroid_dst[1]);
if (debug)
    cout<<"Centers: "<<center_src<<", "<<center_dst<<endl;

 * Visualize data

// Visualization
namedWindow("data", 1);
float w = 400, h = 400;
Mat Mdata(w, h, CV_8UC3); Mdata = Scalar(0);
Point2f center_img(w/2, h/2);

float scl = 0.4*min(w/Rdata, h/Rdata); // compensate for noise
scl/=sqrt(2); // compensate for rotation effect
Point2f dT = (center_src+center_dst)*0.5; // compensate for translation

for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    Point2f p1(scl*(src[i] - dT));
    Point2f p2(scl*(dst[i] - dT));
    // invert Y axis
    p1.y = -p1.y; p2.y = -p2.y;
    // add image center
    p1+=center_img; p2+=center_img;
    circle(Mdata, p1, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
    circle(Mdata, p2, 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
    line(Mdata, p1, p2, Scalar(100, 100, 100));


 * Get 2D rotation and translation


// subtract centroids from data
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    src[i] -= center_src;
    dst[i] -= center_dst;

// compute a covariance matrix
float Cxx = 0.0, Cxy = 0.0, Cyx = 0.0, Cyy = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    Cxx += src[i].x*dst[i].x;
    Cxy += src[i].x*dst[i].y;
    Cyx += src[i].y*dst[i].x;
    Cyy += src[i].y*dst[i].y;
Mat Mcov = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<Cxx, Cxy, Cyx, Cyy);
if (debug)
    cout<<"Covariance Matrix "<<Mcov<<endl;

// SVD
cv::SVD svd;
svd = SVD(Mcov, SVD::FULL_UV);
if (debug) {
    cout<<"U = "<<svd.u<<endl;
    cout<<"W = "<<svd.w<<endl;
    cout<<"V transposed = "<<svd.vt<<endl;

// rotation = V*Ut
Mat V = svd.vt.t();
Mat Ut = svd.u.t();
float det_VUt = determinant(V*Ut);
Mat W = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<1.0, 0.0, 0.0, det_VUt);
float rot[4];
Mat R_est(2, 2, CV_32F, rot);
R_est = V*W*Ut;
if (debug)
    cout<<"Rotation matrix: "<<R_est<<endl;

float cos_est = rot[0];
float sin_est = rot[2];
float ang = atan2(sin_est, cos_est);

// translation = mean_dst - R*mean_src
Point2f center_srcRot = Point2f(
        cos_est*center_src.x - sin_est*center_src.y,
        sin_est*center_src.x + cos_est*center_src.y);
Point2f T_est = center_dst - center_srcRot;

double RMSE = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    Point2f dst_est(
            cos_est*src[i].x - sin_est*src[i].y,
            sin_est*src[i].x + cos_est*src[i].y);
    RMSE += SQR(dst[i].x - dst_est.x) + SQR(dst[i].y - dst_est.y);
if (N>0)
    RMSE = sqrt(RMSE/N);

// Final estimate msg
cout<<"Estimate = "<<ang*RAD2DEG<<"deg., T = "<<T_est<<"; RMSE = "<<RMSE<<endl;

// show image
imshow("data", Mdata);

} // rigidTransform2D()

// --------------------------- 3DOF

// calculates squared error from two point mapping; assumes rotation around Origin.
inline float sqErr_3Dof(Point2f p1, Point2f p2,
        float cos_alpha, float sin_alpha, Point2f T) {

    float x2_est = T.x + cos_alpha * p1.x - sin_alpha * p1.y;
    float y2_est = T.y + sin_alpha * p1.x + cos_alpha * p1.y;
    Point2f p2_est(x2_est, y2_est);
    Point2f dp = p2_est-p2;
    float sq_er = dp.dot(dp); // squared distance

    return sq_er;

// calculate RMSE for point-to-point metrics
float RMSE_3Dof(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
        const float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {

    const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL); // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
    unsigned int n = src.size();
    assert(n>0 && n==dst.size());

    float ang_rad = param[0];
    Point2f T(param[1], param[2]);
    float cos_alpha = cos(ang_rad);
    float sin_alpha = sin(ang_rad);

    double RMSE = 0.0;
    int ninliers = 0;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (all_inliers || inliers[i]) {
            RMSE += sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_alpha, sin_alpha, T);

    //cout<<"RMSE = "<<RMSE<<endl;
    if (ninliers>0)
        return sqrt(RMSE/ninliers);
        return LARGE_NUMBER;

// Sets inliers and returns their count
inline int setInliers3Dof(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector <Point2f>& dst,
        bool* inliers,
        const float* param,
        const float max_er,
        const Point2f center) {

    float ang_rad = param[0];
    Point2f T(param[1], param[2]);

    // set inliers
    unsigned int ninliers = 0;
    unsigned int n = src.size();
    assert(n>0 && n==dst.size());

    float cos_ang = cos(ang_rad);
    float sin_ang = sin(ang_rad);
    float max_sqErr = max_er*max_er; // comparing squared values

    if (inliers==NULL) {

        // just get the number of inliers (e.g. after QUADRATIC fit only)
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {

            float sqErr = sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_ang, sin_ang, T);
            if ( sqErr < max_sqErr)
    } else  {

        // get the number of inliers and set them (e.g. for RANSAC)
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++) {

            float sqErr = sqErr_3Dof(src[i]-center, dst[i]-center, cos_ang, sin_ang, T);
            if ( sqErr < max_sqErr) {
                inliers[i] = 1;
            } else {
                inliers[i] = 0;

    return ninliers;

// fits 3DOF (rotation and translation in 2D) with least squares.
float fit3DofQUADRATICold(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
        float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {

    const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL); // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
    unsigned int n = src.size();
    assert(dst.size() == n);

    // count inliers
    int ninliers;
    if (all_inliers) {
        ninliers = n;
    } else {
        ninliers = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; i++){
            if (inliers[i])

    // under-dermined system
    if (ninliers<2) {
        //      param[0] = 0.0f; // ?
        //      param[1] = 0.0f;
        //      param[2] = 0.0f;
        return LARGE_NUMBER;

     * x1*cosx(a)-y1*sin(a) + Tx = X1
     * x1*sin(a)+y1*cos(a) + Ty = Y1
     * approximation for small angle a (radians) sin(a)=a, cos(a)=1;
     * x1*1 - y1*a + Tx = X1
     * x1*a + y1*1 + Ty = Y1
     * in matrix form M1*h=M2
     *  2n x 4       4 x 1   2n x 1
     * -y1 1 0 x1  *   a   =  X1
     *  x1 0 1 y1      Tx     Y1
     *                 Ty
     *                 1=Z
     *  ----------------------------
     *  src1         res      src2

    //  4 x 1
    float res_ar[4]; // alpha, Tx, Ty, 1
    Mat res(4, 1, CV_32F, res_ar); // 4 x 1

    // 2n x 4
    Mat src1(2*ninliers, 4, CV_32F); // 2n x 4

    // 2n x 1
    Mat src2(2*ninliers, 1, CV_32F); // 2n x 1: [X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3]'

    for (unsigned int i=0, row_cnt = 0; i<n; i++) {

        // use inliers only
        if (all_inliers || inliers[i]) {

            float x = src[i].x - center.x;
            float y = src[i].y - center.y;

            // first row

            // src1
            float* rowPtr = src1.ptr<float>(row_cnt);
            rowPtr[0] = -y;
            rowPtr[1] = 1.0f;
            rowPtr[2] = 0.0f;
            rowPtr[3] = x;

            // src2
            src2.at<float> (0, row_cnt) = dst[i].x - center.x;

            // second row

            // src1
            rowPtr = src1.ptr<float>(row_cnt);
            rowPtr[0] = x;
            rowPtr[1] = 0.0f;
            rowPtr[2] = 1.0f;
            rowPtr[3] = y;

            // src2
            src2.at<float> (0, row_cnt) = dst[i].y - center.y;

    cv::solve(src1, src2, res, DECOMP_SVD);

    // estimators
    float alpha_est;
    Point2f T_est;

    // original
    alpha_est = res.at<float>(0, 0);
    T_est = Point2f(res.at<float>(1, 0), res.at<float>(2, 0));

    float Z = res.at<float>(3, 0);
    if (abs(Z-1.0) > 0.1) {
        //cout<<"Bad Z in fit3DOF(), Z should be close to 1.0 = "<<Z<<endl;
        //return LARGE_NUMBER;
    param[0] = alpha_est; // rad
    param[1] = T_est.x;
    param[2] = T_est.y;

    // calculate RMSE
    float RMSE = RMSE_3Dof(src, dst, param, inliers, center);
    return RMSE;
} // fit3DofQUADRATICOLd()

// fits 3DOF (rotation and translation in 2D) with least squares.
float fit3DofQUADRATIC(const vector<Point2f>& src_, const vector<Point2f>& dst_,
        float* param, const bool* inliers, const Point2f center) {

    const bool debug = false;                   // print more debug info
    const bool all_inliers = (inliers==NULL);   // handy when we run QUADRTATIC will all inliers
    assert(dst_.size() == src_.size());
    int N = src_.size();

    // collect inliers
    vector<Point2f> src, dst;
    int ninliers;
    if (all_inliers) {
        ninliers = N;
        src = src_; // copy constructor
        dst = dst_;
    } else {
        ninliers = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++){
            if (inliers[i]) {
    if (ninliers<2) {
        param[0] = 0.0f; // default return when there is not enough points
        param[1] = 0.0f;
        param[2] = 0.0f;
        return LARGE_NUMBER;

    /* Algorithm: Least-Square Rigid Motion Using SVD by Olga Sorkine
     * http://igl.ethz.ch/projects/ARAP/svd_rot.pdf
     * Subtract centroids, calculate SVD(cov),
     * R = V[1, det(VU')]'U', T = mean_q-R*mean_p

    // Calculate data centroids
    Scalar centroid_src = mean(src);
    Scalar centroid_dst = mean(dst);
    Point2f center_src(centroid_src[0], centroid_src[1]);
    Point2f center_dst(centroid_dst[0], centroid_dst[1]);
    if (debug)
        cout<<"Centers: "<<center_src<<", "<<center_dst<<endl;

    // subtract centroids from data
    for (int i=0; i<ninliers; i++) {
        src[i] -= center_src;
        dst[i] -= center_dst;

    // compute a covariance matrix
    float Cxx = 0.0, Cxy = 0.0, Cyx = 0.0, Cyy = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<ninliers; i++) {
        Cxx += src[i].x*dst[i].x;
        Cxy += src[i].x*dst[i].y;
        Cyx += src[i].y*dst[i].x;
        Cyy += src[i].y*dst[i].y;
    Mat Mcov = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<Cxx, Cxy, Cyx, Cyy);
    Mcov /= (ninliers-1);
    if (debug)
        cout<<"Covariance-like Matrix "<<Mcov<<endl;

    // SVD of covariance
    cv::SVD svd;
    svd = SVD(Mcov, SVD::FULL_UV);
    if (debug) {
        cout<<"U = "<<svd.u<<endl;
        cout<<"W = "<<svd.w<<endl;
        cout<<"V transposed = "<<svd.vt<<endl;

    // rotation (V*Ut)
    Mat V = svd.vt.t();
    Mat Ut = svd.u.t();
    float det_VUt = determinant(V*Ut);
    Mat W = (Mat_<float>(2, 2)<<1.0, 0.0, 0.0, det_VUt);
    float rot[4];
    Mat R_est(2, 2, CV_32F, rot);
    R_est = V*W*Ut;
    if (debug)
        cout<<"Rotation matrix: "<<R_est<<endl;

    float cos_est = rot[0];
    float sin_est = rot[2];
    float ang = atan2(sin_est, cos_est);

    // translation (mean_dst - R*mean_src)
    Point2f center_srcRot = Point2f(
            cos_est*center_src.x - sin_est*center_src.y,
            sin_est*center_src.x + cos_est*center_src.y);
    Point2f T_est = center_dst - center_srcRot;

    // Final estimate msg
    if (debug)
        cout<<"Estimate = "<<ang*RAD2DEG<<"deg., T = "<<T_est<<endl;

    param[0] = ang; // rad
    param[1] = T_est.x;
    param[2] = T_est.y;

    // calculate RMSE
    float RMSE = RMSE_3Dof(src_, dst_, param, inliers, center);
    return RMSE;
} // fit3DofQUADRATIC()

// RANSAC fit in 3DOF: 1D rot and 2D translation (maximizes the number of inliers)
// NOTE: no data normalization is currently performed
float fit3DofRANSAC(const vector<Point2f>& src, const vector<Point2f>& dst,
        float* best_param,  bool* inliers,
        const Point2f center ,
        const float inlierMaxEr,
        const int niter) {

    const int ITERATION_TO_SETTLE = 2;    // iterations to settle inliers and param
    const float INLIERS_RATIO_OK = 0.95f;  // stopping criterion

    // size of data vector
    unsigned int N = src.size();

    // unrealistic case
    if(N<2) {
        best_param[0] = 0.0f; // ?
        best_param[1] = 0.0f;
        best_param[2] = 0.0f;
        return LARGE_NUMBER;

    unsigned int ninliers;                 // current number of inliers
    unsigned int best_ninliers = 0;     // number of inliers
    float best_rmse = LARGE_NUMBER;         // error
    float cur_rmse;                         // current distance error
    float param[3];                         // rad, Tx, Ty
    vector <Point2f> src_2pt(2), dst_2pt(2);// min set of 2 points (1 correspondence generates 2 equations)
    srand (time(NULL));

    // iterations
    for (int iter = 0; iter<niter; iter++) {

        cout<<"iteration "<<iter<<": ";

        // 1. Select a random set of 2 points (not obligatory inliers but valid)
        int i1, i2;
        i1 = rand() % N; // [0, N[
        i2 = i1;
        while (i2==i1) {
            i2 = rand() % N;
        src_2pt[0] = src[i1]; // corresponding points
        src_2pt[1] = src[i2];
        dst_2pt[0] = dst[i1];
        dst_2pt[1] = dst[i2];
        bool two_inliers[] = {true, true};

        // 2. Quadratic fit for 2 points
        cur_rmse = fit3DofQUADRATIC(src_2pt, dst_2pt, param, two_inliers, center);

        // 3. Recalculate to settle params and inliers using a larger set
        for (int iter2=0; iter2<ITERATION_TO_SETTLE; iter2++) {
            ninliers = setInliers3Dof(src, dst, inliers, param, inlierMaxEr, center);   // changes inliers
            cur_rmse = fit3DofQUADRATIC(src, dst, param, inliers, center);              // changes cur_param

        // potential ill-condition or large error
        if (ninliers<2) {
            cout<<" !!! less than 2 inliers "<<endl;
        } else {
            cout<<" "<<ninliers<<" inliers; ";

        cout<<"; recalculate: RMSE = "<<cur_rmse<<", "<<ninliers <<" inliers";

        // 4. found a better solution?
        if (ninliers > best_ninliers) {
            best_ninliers = ninliers;
            best_param[0] = param[0];
            best_param[1] = param[1];
            best_param[2] = param[2];
            best_rmse = cur_rmse;

            cout<<" --- Solution improved: "<<
                    best_param[0]<<", "<<best_param[1]<<", "<<param[2]<<endl;
            // exit condition
            float inlier_ratio = (float)best_ninliers/N;
            if (inlier_ratio > INLIERS_RATIO_OK) {
                cout<<"Breaking early after "<< iter+1<<
                        " iterations; inlier ratio = "<<inlier_ratio<<endl;
        } else {

    } // iterations

    // 5. recreate inliers for the best parameters
    ninliers = setInliers3Dof(src, dst, inliers, best_param, inlierMaxEr, center);

    return best_rmse;
} // fit3DofRANSAC()

Let me first make sure I'm interpreting your question correctly. 让我首先确保我正确地解释你的问题。 You have two sets of 2D points, one of which contains all "good" points corresponding to some object of interest, and one of which contains those points under an affine transformation with noisy points added. 您有两组2D点,其中一组包含对应于某些感兴趣对象的所有“好”点,其中一组包含添加了噪声点的仿射变换下的那些点。 Right? 对?

If that's correct, then there is a fairly reliable and efficient way to both reject noisy points and determine the transformation between your points of interest. 如果这是正确的,那么有一种相当可靠和有效的方法来拒绝噪声点并确定您感兴趣的点之间的转换。 The algorithm that is usually used to reject noisy points ("outliers") is known as RANSAC , and the algorithm used to determine the transformation can take several forms, but the most current state of the art is known as the five-point algorithm and can be found here -- a MATLAB implementation can be found here . 通常用于拒绝噪声点(“异常值”)的算法称为RANSAC ,用于确定变换的算法可以采用多种形式,但是现有技术的最新状态称为五点算法,可以在这里找到 - 可以在这里找到MATLAB实现。

Unfortunately I don't know of a mature implementation of both of those combined; 不幸的是,我不知道两者结合的成熟实施; you'll probably have to do some work of your own to implement RANSAC and integrate it with the five point algorithm. 您可能需要自己做一些工作来实现RANSAC并将其与五点算法集成。

Edit: 编辑:

Actually, OpenCV has an implementation that is overkill for your task (meaning it will work but will take more time than necessary) but is ready to work out of the box. 实际上,OpenCV的实现对你的任务来说是过度的(意味着它可以工作,但需要的时间比必要的多),但是它已经准备好开箱即用。 The function of interest is called cv::findFundamentalMat . 感兴趣的函数称为cv :: findFundamentalMat

I believe you are looking for something like David Lowe's SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform). 我相信你正在寻找像David Lowe的SIFT (尺度不变特征变换)这样的东西。 Other option is SURF (SIFT is patent protected). 其他选择是SURF (SIFT受专利保护)。 The OpenCV computer library presents a SURF implementation OpenCV计算机库提供了SURF实现

I would try and use distance geometry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_geometry) for this 我会尝试使用距离几何(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_geometry)

Generate a scalar for each point by summing its distances to all neighbors within a certain radius. 通过将距离与某个半径内的所有邻居相加,为每个点生成一个标量。 Though not perfect, this will be good discriminator for each point. 虽然不完美,但这对于每一点都是很好的鉴别器。

Then put all the scalars in a map that allows a point (p) to be retrieve by its scalar (s) plus/minus some delta 然后将所有标量放在一个映射中,该映射允许通过标量(+)加上/减去一些delta来检索点(p)
M(s+delta) = p (eg KD Tree) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree) M(s + delta)= p(例如KD树)(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree)

Put all the reference set of 2D points in the map 将所有2D点的参考集放在地图中

On the other (test) set of 2D points: 在另一个(测试)2D点集上:
foreach test scaling (esp if you have a good idea what typical scaling values are) foreach测试缩放(特别是如果你很清楚典型的缩放值是什么)
...scale each point by S ...用S表示每个点
...recompute the scalars of the test set of points ...重新计算测试点集的标量
......for each point P in test set (or perhaps a sample for faster method) ......对于测试集中的每个点P(或者可能是更快的方法的样本)
.........lookup point in reference scalar map within some delta .........某些delta内参考标量图中的查找点
.........discard P if no mapping found .........如果没有找到映射,则丢弃P.
.........else foreach P' point found .........其他事先发现P'点
............examine neighbors of P and see if they have corresponding scalars in the reference map within some delta (ie reference point has neighbors with approx same value) ............检查P的邻居并查看他们是否在某个增量内的参考地图中有相应的标量(即参考点具有大约相同值的邻居)
......... if all points tested have a mapping in the reference set, you have found a mapping of test point P onto reference point P' -> record mapping of test point to reference point ......discard scaling if no mappings recorded .........如果测试的所有点都在参考集中有映射,您已经找到了测试点P到参考点P'的映射 - >测试点到参考点的记录映射..... .discard缩放,如果没有记录映射

Note this is trivially parallelized in several different places 请注意,这在几个不同的地方是平行的

This is off the top of my head, drawing from research I did years ago. 根据我多年前做过的研究,这是我的头脑。 It lacks fine details but the general idea is clear: find points in the noisy (test) graph whose distances to their closest neighbors are roughly the same as the reference set. 它缺乏精细的细节,但总体思路很明确:在噪声(测试)图中找到与其最近邻居的距离与参考集大致相同的点。 Noisy graphs will have to measure the distances with a larger allowed error that less noisy graphs. 噪声图必须测量距离,允许误差较大,噪声图较少。

The algorithm works perfectly for graphs with no noise. 该算法适用于没有噪声的图形。

Edit : there is a refinement for the algorithm that doesn't require looking at different scalings. 编辑 :算法的细化不需要查看不同的缩放。 When computing the scalar for each point, use a relative distance measure instead. 计算每个点的标量时,请改用相对距离度量。 This will be invariant of transform 这将是变换的不变量

From C++, you could use ITK to do the image registration. 从C ++开始,您可以使用ITK进行图像注册。 It includes many registration functions that will work in the presence of noise. 它包括许多注册功能,可在存在噪音的情况下工作。

The KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi) Feature Tracker makes a Affine Consistency Check of tracked features. KLT(Kanade Lucas Tomasi)功能跟踪器对跟踪功能进行仿射一致性检查 The Affine Consistency Check takes into account translation, rotation and scaling. 仿射一致性检查考虑了平移,旋转和缩放。 I don't know if it is of help to you, because you can't use the function (which calculates the affine transformation of a rectangular region) directly. 我不知道它对你有帮助,因为你不能直接使用函数(它计算矩形区域的仿射变换)。 But maybe you can learn from the documentation and source-code , how the affine transformation can be calculated and adapt it to your problem (clouds of points instead of a rectangular region). 但也许你可以从文档和源代码中学习 ,如何计算仿射变换并使其适应你的问题(点云而不是矩形区域)。

You want want the Denton-Beveridge point matching algorithm. 你想要Denton-Beveridge点匹配算法。 Source code at the bottom of the page linked below, and there is also a paper that explain the algorithm and why Ransac is a bad choice for this problem. 下面链接的页面底部的源代码,还有一篇文章解释了算法以及为什么Ransac是这个问题的错误选择。

http://jasondenton.me/pntmatch.html http://jasondenton.me/pntmatch.html

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