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Regular expression : remove words and number

I have a string and I want to remove the string Input! + word + digits Input! + word + digits and Calc! + word + digits Calc! + word + digits from it. I have also included my attempt.

Input : IF(Input!B34 + Calc!B45)
Output : Input!B34 Calc!B45

My attempt :

Pattern findMyPattern = Pattern.compile("Input!\\w\\d|" + worksheetName+ "!.+?");
        Matcher foundAMatch = findMyPattern.matcher(input);
        HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
        while (foundAMatch.find()) {
            String s = foundAMatch.group(0);

What regular expression should I use ? I tried using a few of them. But I am not expert in them. Some idea will be useful.

You can use this regex:



(?:Input|Calc)  // Match `Input or Calc`
 !              // Followed by !
[a-zA-Z]        // Followed by an alphabetical character
\\d+            // Then digits.

And use it with Matcher#find and then add matcher.group() to your Set .

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