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Parsing JSON array into objects?

I'm trying to parse some data in Python I have some JSON:

    "data sources": [
    "metros": [
            "code": "SCL",
            "continent": "South America",
            "coordinates": {
                "S": 33,
                "W": 71
            "country": "CL",
            "name": "Santiago",
            "population": 6000000,
            "region": 1,
            "timezone": -4
            "code": "LIM",
            "continent": "South America",
            "coordinates": {
                "S": 12,
                "W": 77
            "country": "PE",
            "name": "Lima",
            "population": 9050000,
            "region": 1,
            "timezone": -5

If I wanted to parse the "metros" array into and array of Python class Metro objects, how would I setup the class?

I was thinking:

class Metro(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.code = 0
        self.name = ""
        self.country = ""
        self.continent = ""
        self.timezone = ""
        self.coordinates = []
        self.population = 0
        self.region = ""

So I want to go through each metro and put the data into a corresponding Metro object and place that object into a Python array of objects...How can I loop through the JSON metros?

If you always get the same keys, you can use ** to easily construct your instances. Making the Metro a namedtuple will simplify your life if you are using it simply to hold values:

from collections import namedtuple
Metro = namedtuple('Metro', 'code, name, country, continent, timezone, coordinates, population, region')

then simply

import json
data = json.loads('''...''')
metros = [Metro(**k) for k in data["metros"]]

Assuming, you are using json to load the data, I would use a list of namedtuple here to store the data under the key 'metro'

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> metros = []
>>> for e in data[u'metros']:
    metros.append(namedtuple('metro', e.keys())(*e.values()))

>>> metros
[metro(code=u'SCL', name=u'Santiago', country=u'CL', region=1, coordinates={u'S': 33, u'W': 71}, timezone=-4, continent=u'South America', population=6000000), metro(code=u'LIM', name=u'Lima', country=u'PE', region=1, coordinates={u'S': 12, u'W': 77}, timezone=-5, continent=u'South America', population=9050000)]

It's relatively easy to do since you've read the data with json.load() which will return a Python dictionary for each element in "metros" in this case — just walk though it and create the list of Metro class instances. I modified the calling sequence of the Metro.__init__() method you had to make it easier to pass data to it from the dictionary returned from json.load() .

Since each element of the "metros" list in the result is a dictionary, you can just pass that to class Metro 's constructor using ** notation to turn it into keyword arguments. The constructor can then just update() it's own __dict__ to transfer those values to itself.

By doing things this way, instead of using something like a collections.namedtuple as just a data container, is that Metro is a custom class which makes adding other methods and/or attributes you wish to it trivial.

import json

class Metro(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def __str__(self):
        fields = ['    {}={!r}'.format(k,v)
                    for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')]

        return '{}(\n{})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ',\n'.join(fields))

with open('metros.json') as file:
    json_obj = json.load(file)

metros = [Metro(**metro_dict) for metro_dict in json_obj['metros']]

for metro in metros:


    continent='South America',
    coordinates={'S': 33, 'W': 71},

    continent='South America',
    coordinates={'S': 12, 'W': 77},


Maybe something like

import json
data = json.loads(<json string>)
data.metros = [Metro(**m) for m in data.metros]

class Metro(object):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.code = kwargs.get('code', 0)
        self.name = kwargs.get('name', "")
        self.county = kwargs.get('county', "")
        self.continent = kwargs.get('continent', "")
        self.timezone = kwargs.get('timezone', "")
        self.coordinates = kwargs.get('coordinates', [])
        self.population = kwargs.get('population', 0)
        self.region = kwargs.get('region', 0)
In [17]: def load_flat(data, inst):
   ....:     for key, value in data.items():
   ....:         if not hasattr(inst, key):
   ....:             raise AttributeError(key)
   ....:         else:
   ....:             setattr(inst, key, value)

In [18]: m = Metro()

In [19]: load_float(data['metros'][0], m)

In [20]: m.__dict__
{'code': 'SCL',
 'continent': 'South America',
 'coordinates': {'S': 33, 'W': 71},
 'country': 'CL',
 'name': 'Santiago',
 'population': 6000000,
 'region': 1,
 'timezone': -4}

Not only is it very much readable and very explicit about what it does, but it also provides some basic field validation as well (raising exceptions on mismatched fields, etc)

I would try ast . Something like:

metro = Metro()
metro.__dict__ = ast.literal_eval(a_single_metro_dict_string)

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