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how to convert from string to integer

I have a problem that made me confused, i want to use the value of EditText and convert it to int, when launching the activity it displays on logcat "invalid int" and i make the input value for the editText is 9 digits! could you help me in finding the problem

this is my code:

     String texti =  numberi.getText().toString();
     int x = Integer.parseInt(texti);


long x = Long.parseLong(texti);

If your only objective is to allow user to input numbers into EditText.Then use


And then Integer.parseInt(editText.getText().toString());

u said that u have wrote that in onCreate() . so u have to check first, is the text is null or not:

String texti =  numberi.getText().toString();
long x;
if(texti.trim().length() > 0)
  x = Long.parseLong(texti);


long x = Long.parseLong(texti.trim());

What you have code is correct but for better way use this,

  String texti =  numberi.getText().toString();
  int x = Integer.parseInt(texti.trim());  // Trim the extra spaces, if any.

Always have habbit to trim() when converting to Numeric format, This will prevent from NumberFormatException


    Integer.parseInt(<Your EditText>.getText().toString());

Ideally, if your EditText will only accept integers then you should set inputType property to either:

  • numberSigned
  • number

eg. something like this:

        android:textSize="16dp" android:hint="@string/enterCustomerPin"

Now in your activity, you can always do:

EditText myEditText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextCustomerPin);
String editTextContent = myEditText.getText().toString();
if (editTextContent.length() > 0) {
     int num = Integer.parseInt(num);
     //Do your processing
} else {  
     //Show error message, eg. a toast or an alert dialog

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