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increase the performance of web site?

在设计ASP.net WebForm应用程序时,需要采取哪些重要步骤(或者如果您喜欢使用该术语,则为黑客)以确保最佳性能(在速度,稳定性和可伸缩性方面)?

  1. Avoid round trips to server
  2. Wherever possible user AJAX calls.
  3. Implement Caching.
  4. Avoid using Viewstate wherever possible

For further more read these links.

Since so many things can affect performance, it's difficult to provide such a list. We may make assumptions about your code that aren't correct, and may focus on the wrong areas while you suffer poor performance from something we would otherwise take for granted.

Having said that, in general you might keep an eye on:

  • Don't over-use ViewState. (I'd argue not to use it at all , but that's another issue entirely.)
  • Keep page resources small (minified text, good image encoding, etc.).
  • Ensure page resources are properly cached once downloaded.
  • Try to move most UX logic client-side. (Avoid post-backs for things you can otherwise do in JavaScript, fetch data asynchronously where possible in small chunks, etc.)

The list can go on and on, and that's just with the web tier of the application. You could easily encounter site performance problems resulting from slow server-side code or server-side resource dependencies (database, etc.) that can't be debugged in the browser.

So the main point is to learn your debugging tools. Through combinations of browser tools (FireBug, Chrome Developer tools, etc.), Visual Studio debugging (or whatever else you may use for your .NET code), good logging, and even profiling tools you can identify your bottlenecks and tweak your system accordingly.

Check your website in google page speed : click

It will give your problem . for unwanted style.images and etc.......


when it comes to performance of the web application we need to consider many things this article will help you understand what performance is where to start. In web application 80 percent of the time it is front end which requires performance optimization, what needed to be optimized is a big question and really hard to answer this article i found will help you understand the web performance optimization Web Performance Optimization

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