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Using a form in PHP, I am trying to return an SQL value dependant on an entered SQL value?

My DB looks like this

paynumber fullname linemanager
12345 John Smith Jack Jones
12346 Joe Bloggs Andy Smith

I want it so if you enter 12345 into a textfield it will return John Smith in the same text field

I've tried so many mysql_queries I don't know which one to post!

I'm not looking for full code, as I'm not bad at that, but please point me in the right direction!



    $mysql_host = "host"; 
    $mysql_username = "user"; 
    $mysql_password = "pass"; 
    $link = mysql_connect("$mysql_host", "$mysql_username", "$mysql_password");

    $result = mysql_query($link,"SELECT fullname from officers where paynumber=$pay_number");

    echo $result;

SELECT fullname from myTable where paynumber=12345

What's so tough about it? Then you can display it anywhere you like. Can add a little bit of AJAX to grab the result and show in the same field.


Lets say your field on your HTML form was named pay_number and form method was POST

Then in your PHP processing code you could do

$query="SELECT fullname from myTable where paynumber=$pay_number";

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