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MVC 4 Web API - JSON serialization for custom objects

I have several objects as followed:

public class Person
    string FirstName;
    string LastName;
    public Person(string fn, string ln)
        FirstName = fn;
        LastName = ln;

public class Team
    string TeamName;
    Person TeamLeader;
    List<Person> TeamMembers;

    public Team(string name, Person lead, List<Person> members)
        TeamName = name;
        TeamLeader = lead;
        TeamMembers = members;

public class Response
    int ResponseCode;
    string ResponseMessage;
    object ResponsePayload;
    public Response(int code, string message, object payload)
        ResponseCode = code;
        ResponseMessage = message;
        ResponsePayload = payload;

(1) This is the Person controller with Get method:

public class PersonController : ApiController
    public Response Get()
        Person tom = new Person("Tom", "Cruise");
        Response response = new Response(1, "It works!", tom);
        return response;

(2) This is the Team controller with Get method:

public class TeamController : ApiController
    public Response Get()
        Person tom = new Person("Tom", "Cruise");
        Person cindy = new Person("Cindy", "Cullen");
        Person jason = new Person("Jason","Lien");
        Team awesome = new Team("Awesome", jason, new List<Person>(){tom,cindy});
        Response response = new Response(1, "It works!", awesome);
        return response;

What I want is after user calling http://www.app123.com/api/person

I receive JSON result like this:

   "ResponseMessage":"It works!",

and calling http://www.app123.com/api/team

I receive JSON result like this:

   "ResponseMessage":"It works!",

But they never work for me, do you know how to produce the JSON result like above with ASP.NET MVC 4?

First, make sure you are using JSON formatter, eg adding following code to Application_Start

var json = config.Formatters.JsonFormatter;
json.SerializerSettings.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented;

Second, just returning your custom object, JSON formatter will do the rest and you'll get nice JSON data on the client side.

public HttpResponseMessage GetPeopleList()
    var people = // create a list of person here...
    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, people);

This one works for me:

public object Get()
    Person tom = new Person("Tom", "Cruise");
    Person cindy = new Person("Cindy", "Cullen");
    Person jason = new Person("Jason", "Lien");
    Team awesome = new Team("Awesome", jason, new List<Person>() { tom, cindy });
    Response response = new Response(1, "It works!", awesome);
    JsonResult jsonResult = new JsonResult { 
        Data= response,
        JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
    return jsonResult.Data;

We also need to anotate [Serializable] for Response, Person and Team classes.

you need to return JSON. Try this

public class PersonController : ApiController
public Response Get()
    Person tom = new Person("Tom", "Cruise");
    Response response = new Response(1, "It works!", tom);
     return Json(response, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

and follow same in other controller method too..

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