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How to add array to a SQL row in C#?

I have an array that I made from an StringBuilder:

string[] input;
input = sb.ToString().Split(',');

Now I want to insert the data from this "input" array to a SQL row? The first element in the array must be an integer. How can I implement this in a fastest way?

Thanks in advance for any help or example.

I've read from SQL table, edited, and i've got to the sb and I have:

{50001,Pingu,C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Penguins.jpg,A,Skift 2,Requill,sQ,,,,,S5,,,,,,,Motvikt,,Kvalité_nr_2,,,,,,,,,,,,}

col(0)  col(1)   col(2) col(3)  col(4)  col(5)  col(6)  col(7)

50001   Pingu    Pathway    A   Skift 2  Requill    SQ    ""

Now i want to save back to SQL. The columns quantity and names in the SQL are changing. That's why I'm using array.


I have tried the following (see code) and now I get the error:

Must declare the scalar variable "@Param"

The cbItems array contains the name of columns in the database.

            string[] cbItems;
        cbItems = sbItems.ToString().Split(',');

        string[] input;
        input = sb.ToString().Split(',');

        DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
        dataTable = dataSet.Tables.Add();

        SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connString);

        int firstElement;
        Int32.TryParse(input[0], out firstElement);

        string sql = "INSERT INTO UserData1 (Anställningsnummer) VALUES (@ID)";

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cn);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", firstElement);

        int i = 1;
        foreach (string r in input)
            string paramName = cbItems[i].ToString();
            string anyElement= input[i].ToString();
            SqlCommand myInsertCmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UserData1(" + paramName + ") VALUES(@Param)", cn);

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Param", anyElement);



Am I missing something?


You'll have to parse the first element in the array to an integer.

 int firstElement;
 Int32.TryParse(input[0], out firstElement);

You can then use firstElement and add it as a SQL Parameter

string sql = "INSERT INTO TABLE (ID) VALUES (@ID)";

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, _connection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", firstElement);

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