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C++ Constant char

I built a simple calculator out of c++, it uses chars, so (+,-*,/) will works as math operators but when a user inputs an '=' it does't work.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <math.h>  
using namespace std;

#define PI 3.14159265359
#define NEWLINE '\n' 

void printf(string string)
  cout << string;

int main ()
char operation;
double a,b,c, value;
double answer = 0;
bool more = true;

cout << "Welcome to My Calculator\n\nInput a value: ";
cin >> answer;

cin >> operation;

if (operation != '=') {
    if (operation == '+') {
        cin >> value;
        cout << "\n" << answer << " " << operation << " " << value << "\n";
        answer += value;
        cout << "Equals " << answer << "\n";
        cout << answer << " - New Operation? ";
        goto operations;
    if (operation == '-') {
            cin >> value;
            cout << "\n" << answer << " " << operation << " " << value << "\n";
            answer -= value;
            cout << "Equals " << answer << "\n";
            cout << answer << " - New Operation? ";
            goto operations;
    if (operation == '*') {
            cin >> value;
            cout << "\n" << answer << " " << operation << " " << value << "\n";
            answer *= value;
            cout << "Equals " << answer << "\n\n";
            cout << answer << " - New Operation? ";
            goto operations;
    if (operation == '/') {
                cin >> value;
                cout << "\n" << answer << " " << operation << " " << value << "\n";
                answer /= value;
                cout << "Equals " << answer << "\n\n";
                cout << answer << " - New Operation? ";
                goto operations;
    if (operation == '^') {
                    cin >> value;
                    cout << "\n" << answer << " " << operation << " " << value << "\n";
                    answer = pow(answer, value);
                    cout << "Equals " << answer << "\n\n";
                    cout << answer << " - New Operation? ";
                    goto operations;
    if (operation == '=') {
                    cout << "\nFinal Answer = " << answer << "\n\nNew operation [yes/no]: ";
                    string check;
                    cin >> check;
                    if (check == "yes") {
                        cout << "\nInput value: ";
                        cin >> answer; 
                        cout << "\n";
                        goto operations;
                    } else {
                        cout << "\nGoodbye for now...\n";
                        return 0;

} else {
    cout << "Unknown Error! Program Closing...";
    return 0;

return 0;

When a user uses any operation besides = it works perfectly, but if I use and equals sign it doesn't work.

Example program out put:

Welcome to My Calculator

Input a value: 4

4 + 4
Equals 8
8 - New Operation? - 3

8 - 3
Equals 5
5 - New Operation? * 5

5 * 5
Equals 25

25 - New Operation? /2

25 / 2
Equals 12.5

12.5 - New Operation? ^2

12.5 ^ 2
Equals 156.25

156.25 - New Operation? =
Unknown Error! Program Closing...
if (operation != '=') {
    if (operation == '=') {

If operation isn't equal to "=" and if it's equal to "=". I think you planned to put a closure operator or something like that in the first outer if.

您的语句if (operation != '=')使控件转移到else语句

Because you have an if (operation != '=') outside the if checking for = . You don't want to do that.

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