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Regular expression to escape double quotes within double quotes

I have a string that needs to be parsed as JSON.

The problem is, it may sometimes contain double quotes, causing errors in parsing.

For example:


    "id_clients_name" : ""100" test"qw"

I need a regex to replace any double quotes between the opening and closing " with a \\" .


I tried it just for fun, even though it is certainly better to fix the generator. This might work in your case, or at least inspire you:

You can try it here

$( function() 
  var myString = "{ \"na\"\"me\": \"va\"lue\", \"tes\"\"t\":\"ok\" }";
  var myRegexp = /\s*\"([\w\"]+)\"\s*[,}:]/g;
  var match;
  var matches = [];

  // Save all the matches
  while((match = myRegexp.exec(myString)) !== null)

  // Process them
  var newString = myString;
  for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++)
      var newVal = matches[i].replace(/\"/g, '\\\"'); 
      newString = newString.replace(matches[i], newVal);
  alert(myString + "\n" + newString);


.replace(/\"\"/g, '\\""');

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