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Executing the FOP command line as batch from Perl

I am converting XML to PDF using Apache. I am executing the FOP command line as batch file( since the input file will be vary) from Perl as like below:

Creating Batch file:

open (OUT2, '>', 'c:\test\fop-1.0\run.bat');        

print OUT2  "cd\\\ncd c:\\test\\fop-1\.0\\\n C:\\test\\fop-1\.0\\fop\.bat -c C:\\test\\fop-1\.0\\conf\\fop-config\.xml -xsl C:\\test\\fop-1\.0\\test.xsl -xml c:\test\document2.xml -pdf c:\test\document2.pdf";

close (OUT2);

Executing batch file using system command:

$cmd2 ="c:\\test\\fop-1.0\\test.bat";


I am embedding the svg files in the fop. I am getting the output when I run batch file manually, but by executing from perl I am getting the following error:

org.apache.fop.image.loader.batik.PreloaderSVG$Loader ge...

Can anyone help me to resolve this problem?


system "cmd","/c","c:\\test\\fop-1.0\\test.bat";

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