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Nullrefererencepointer Exception when adding values in list box through Array or List in c#

I just want to add the names of Astrology Stars in Listbox in Xaml Code

public MainPage()
    string[] StarsName = {"Aries","Taurus","Aquarius","Pisces"};

        List<string> Stars = new List<string>(StarsName);

        foreach (string abc in StarsName)


and then i tried by making a list of StarName

                  foreach (string abc in Stars)

Every time a run the code ,there is NullReferenceException at following line


Further More I will like know,how can i Bind This data Directly to listview in XAML.

Place your code after the call to InitializeComponent() .
That method is responsible for creating the instances of the UI elements. If you try to access them earlier, they are still null , hence the NullReferenceException when trying to access listBox1 .

Furthermore, your code contains some redundant stuff:

  1. Calling ToString() on a string is unnecessary. Remove it.
  2. Creating an array just to create a list from it is unnecessary. You can use a collection initializer instead.

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