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JSON schema draft4 VS JSON schema draft3


From the change logs:

New keywords

  • anyOf (match at least one schema in the schema array),
  • allOf (match all schemas in the schema array),
  • oneOf (match exactly one schema in the schema array),
  • not (do not match the schema),
  • multipleOf (replaces divisibleBy),
  • minProperties and maxProperties (the minimum and maximum number of members in an object instance),
  • definitions (standardized container for inlined subschemas).


  • disallow
  • extends
  • divisbleBy

Changed in functionality:


  • When the value is an array, schemas are no longer allowed as elements. Also, the array must have at least one element.


    "type": [ "string", { "other": "schema" } ]


   "anyOf": [
       { "type": "string" },
       { "other": "schema" }


  • Before, it was an attribute of subschemas in properties. It is now a first level keyword playing the same role, and has a string array as an argument.


    "properties": {
        "p": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true
        "q": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true


    "properties": {
        "p": { "type": "string" },
        "q": { "type": "string" }
    "required": [ "p", "q" ]


  • A single string in a property dependency is no longer allowed, only arrays are allowed


    "dependencies": { "a": "b" }


    "dependencies": { "a": [ "b" ] }

If you're interested in a deep dive, you can review a diff between the two drafts on the IETF site .

However, if you're looking for a simpler summary of changes, Geraint Luff and Francis Galiegue created a changelog page on the project's github wiki that lists the changes, additions, and removals.

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