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How to create a timer on python

I am creating a code that requires the program to time how long it runs for and then displays the time. it is basically a timer that runs in the background and I can call upon it to display how long the code has been running for. How do I do this?

You record the start time, then later on calculate the difference between that start time and the current time.

Due to platform differences, for precision you want to use the timeit.default_timer callable :

from timeit import default_timer

start = default_timer()

# do stuff

duration = default_timer() - start

This gives you a wall-clock time duration in seconds as a floating point value.


>>> from timeit import default_timer
>>> start = default_timer()
>>> # Martijn reads another post somewhere
>>> print default_timer() - start

This is easy in python

import time
#do something

The resultant end_time will be in seconds

I have done this, This may help you

from timeit import default_timer

timerPool = {}

Initilialize the timer like below if any new timer to be added
required initialization for "eightSecTimer_Id" timer
timerPool['eightSecTimer_Id'] = {}
timerPool['eightSecTimer_Id']['state'] = TIMER_IDLE
timerPool['eightSecTimer_Id']['start'] = 0
timerPool['eightSecTimer_Id']['duration'] = 0
timerPool['eightSecTimer_Id']['time'] = 0

required initialization for "fiveSecTimer_Id" timer
timerPool['fiveSecTimer_Id'] = {}
timerPool['fiveSecTimer_Id']['state'] = TIMER_IDLE
timerPool['fiveSecTimer_Id']['start'] = 0
timerPool['fiveSecTimer_Id']['duration'] = 0
timerPool['fiveSecTimer_Id']['time'] = 0

Interface to start the timer
def StartTimer(Id,time):
    timerPool[Id]['time'] = time
    if (timerPool[Id]['state'] == TIMER_IDLE) or (timerPool[Id]['state'] == TIMER_STOPPED):
        timerPool[Id]['start'] = default_timer()
        timerPool[Id]['state'] = TIMER_RUNNING
    return timerPool[Id]['state']

Interface to get the timer status.
Return "TIMER_STOPPED" when timer completed
Return "TIMER_IDLE" after timer completed on consecutive call of this function

def GetTimerState(Id):
    time = timerPool[Id]['time']
    if timerPool[Id]['state'] == TIMER_RUNNING:
        timerPool[Id]['duration'] = default_timer() - timerPool[Id]['start']
    if timerPool[Id]['state'] == TIMER_STOPPED:
        timerPool[Id]['state'] = TIMER_IDLE

    if  timerPool[Id]['duration'] >= time:
        timerPool[Id]['state'] = TIMER_STOPPED
        timerPool[Id]['duration'] = 0
    return timerPool[Id]['state'] 

Below is how to use.

while True:
    if GetTimerState('fiveSecTimer_Id') == TIMER_STOPPED:
        print "5 sec Timer Stopped"
    if GetTimerState('eightSecTimer_Id') == TIMER_STOPPED:
        print "8 sec Timer Stopped"        
    sleep (.5)

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