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libgdx can't drag com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Window

I create a window ,but it can't be dragged. This is my code:

Window.WindowStyle style=new Window.WindowStyle();
style.titleFont=Context.assetMng.get("data/font/chinese.fnt", BitmapFont.class);
style.background=new NinePatchDrawable(new NinePatch(Context.assetMng.get("data/images/surface/window.png",Texture.class)));
bag=new Window("1111", style);

Can someone tell me the problem?

似乎将padTop(标题区域)作为可拖动的“侦听器”,所以我尝试使用更高的padtop(bag.padTop(100)),触摸“ title”区域和拖动窗口周围变得更加容易。

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